My Way of Growing is Better than Your Way of Growing


Active Member
Yes and the IDEAL amount of nutrients is usually not very much and almost certainly less than what is recommended on the bottle. The quickest way to get little buds and screw up a grow is to over feed and over feeding is very easy to do. I'm not suggesting nutrients not be given but what I am suggesting is to get an EC meter, learn how to use it properly and feed based the proper EC. The bottles, many times, suggest feedings that are more than four times what is appropriate; sometimes even up to ten times what is appropriate and many times in nutrient ratios that are harmful.
:hump:Of course if you do feed nutrients and give ideal conditions you will get better yields but.. For the typical person who just wants a "free" (not really free..electric/soil/lights/water...) lil bit of bud its perfect just doing your own experiments and even shitty grows if that happens to be the case. Its all a learning experience and a great way to gain a new respect for something that we all take for granted!:joint: