My weed sparkles.


Active Member
Now I know there have been threads on here and I'm very sorry if it's been clear. I heard it has something to do with the weed not being "flushed" enough, but in the area I'm at, there's this weed going around that sparkles. It' pops as soon as it's lit, it crackles and crackles. When it gets beat, it turns into a black rocky like substance.

The weed looks like it has white powder on it (Baking Powder?) and it has an acidic/sour taste. It does get me high, and on first smoke of the day it's been an amazing high, but I get paranoid like I'm smoking some chemical cuz the weed kinda tastes off. Many people and I have smoked it before, in the past. Everyones getting it around here. I guess if it was really bad, people would be getting sick? I just don't wanna be smoking chemicals that some dealer threw on it to weigh it down. I just wanna smoke healthy weed and enjoy it. If anyone can help, please, I just need some reassurance.

Thanks so much. Happy smoking!


Active Member
I wish you could hit it, I've been to the doctors recently and they've drawn blood and taken pee, I think if it was fucking up my body they'd somehow see it in my blood. I must be a hypocondriac, I'm hoping it is just mold, I'd hate to end up getting sick from this.

Sometimes it disapoints me that I gotta WORRY about the weed I smoke. I've always felt it's safe, I dont know if it's possible for people to be so cruel to make a quick buck as to put on something sickening or poisonous.


Active Member
if it is mold i suggest u dont smoke it...smoking moldy weed will get u sick

Sick in a deathly way? I don't plan on smoking a lot in small amounts of time. I'll hit a little like once a day, I just hate losing money.

Thank ya so much for all the help people, it means a lot to me.


Active Member
well if it tastes like ass and crackles it is probably mold.. unfortunately commercial growers sometimes decide to push moldy shit instead of destroying it like they should. Probably not the best idea to smoke it, as fungus spores can get into your lungs and cause a nasty infection. Using it to make brownies would be an idea tho.


Well-Known Member
maybe not but i wouldnt risk smoking wat u want but dont buy it again if smoked excessively u could get lung infection or pneumonia


Active Member
carefull last time i was past a joint round a mates it was laced with coke and that is not fun.

main way to tell you will loose part of your sight for around half an hour and will feel almost no pain

for now stay away from it either grow it or get it off people you trust

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
carefull last time i was past a joint round a mates it was laced with coke and that is not fun.

main way to tell you will loose part of your sight for around half an hour and will feel almost no pain

for now stay away from it either grow it or get it off people you trust
Why would someone put coke in something without charging for it. Some people are so used to dirt weed that when they smoke real stuff they think it was laced.


Active Member
carefull last time i was past a joint round a mates it was laced with coke and that is not fun.

main way to tell you will loose part of your sight for around half an hour and will feel almost no pain

for now stay away from it either grow it or get it off people you trust

Well, damn, it sucks that I can't smoke this, I'm glad people are letting me know what it is, I just can't explain why it would ash up the way it does. I almost wanna believe that it's not mold, but some method of adding weight to the bud, like Baking Powder, something with a sour/acidic zing.

I actually took the time and beat the bud while it was in the bag, and some stuff falls off of the buds and it basically looks like a chalky powder.

Good gosh I'm sorry if you guys don't care. I just don't wanna believe that this is all that's gonna be going around. I might need to start warning people.


Active Member
Why would someone put coke in something without charging for it. Some people are so used to dirt weed that when they smoke real stuff they think it was laced.

Agreed, you can clearly feel the alternation of conciousness, and the overwhelming body buzz when you got good buds.

I've been beating my buds in the bag, probably losing THC content but I can tell the chalky acidic/sour stuff is definitely falling off into the corner of the bag, and i just dump it.


Active Member
Why would someone put coke in something without charging for it. Some people are so used to dirt weed that when they smoke real stuff they think it was laced.
lol i dont usually have dirt weed i have NYCD but thats besides the point the weed was laced by the person he stole it from i found that out when i came back to earth


Active Member
I wouldnt smoke that shit. Did you just dab a wet finger in the powder and try tasting it? You really should think about growing your own. You'll save money and know exactly what your smoking. You can even go completely organic. Through the years i've come across herb every now and then that had a horrendous chemical taste that really bothered me. Ive heard stories of people who spray their buds with crap to make you feel more fucked up. Mainly to add weight though. Damp buds will weigh more. Some dealers have an ego though and want to act like they have the greatest shit. So they spray all sorts of shit to make you feel different.