My White Rhino Plants UpDate !!


New Member
:joint: Update On My White Rhino Plants :joint: RhinoGrowUK

Setup -

'PowerPlant' 250w Hanging Reflector , W/ Hard Wired Ballast,
250w 'Osram-Super-Son-T-Plus' Bulb
6" Desk Fan
Nirvana Seeds (10 Pack White Rhino)

These little Rastas have been going for 16 days now, at day 7 i changed my '6 times a day spray' over-watering regime, and instead went for the 'once a day spray' , they are doing a lot better now.

They are now placed 1 foot away from lights with the fan gently fluttering the 3 plants from a distance of about 3 foot.

Nutrients instore for this grow - Bio-Bizz Grow (veg)
Bio-Bizz Bloom (flowering)

I would appreciate any advice cos i dont fancy messing these little slags up.

My lowryder 2 seeds comin tuesday , im gonna slap them bad boys in the soil the day i get them !!

Keep On Tokin ! :joint:


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey Rhino,

You dont need to spray them everyday...

They look nutrient burned? can you get a closer picture?

are you pHing the water?

My biggest concern is the slightly stunted look the newest fan leaves are exhibiting...

Each new set of fan leaves on an MJ plant should be bigger than the previous set... WHen this does not occur it is a tell tale sign that the plant is having some sort of lock or stunting...



New Member
Hi , i think they are nute burned , a few leaves are yellow on end and the new leaves are small and folded in, like a half open Rizla.

What is the best way to overcome this ?

Also i dont have a PH tester yet , i am still browsing for a cheapish one !

I think i may have cased this by feeding them 'All Purpose Soluable Plant Food' when they were only 7 days old ?!?!

I now realise i shouldnt have done this as the Compost contains sufficient fertiliser for the first 3 weeks or so.

Should i scrap these plants and start again or should i try to let them recover from this ?!

Thanks dude !!


Well-Known Member
If your leaves turn yellow i would just put them off. This is probably something you already know but when you grow you should really be watching your plants once at least ever few hours. I use 3-4 hours.


Well-Known Member
just let them go and see want happened's you never now! i know WR is a very strong plant just give them a flush with proper PH water .. when you get a PH tester at the hydro shop the got a PH stripd paper it comes in a small roll its like $14 i use distilled water or rain water if i have it but use soft water, someone coerect me if im wrong


Well-Known Member
If your leaves turn yellow i would just put them off. This is probably something you already know but when you grow you should really be watching your plants once at least ever few hours. I use 3-4 hours.
its kinda hard to be watching your plants every 3-4 hours some people work amd have lives i think at least two times a day :mrgreen:


New Member
:joint: Thanks for the advice !!

Also to flush - do i just pour aged/PH water over the soil until it floods the soil level , then wait for it to drain through ?!! Also would this be the plants watering for a couple of days ?!


Well-Known Member
use a ph balances water source on the plants for about 4 - 5 days with no nuits. this will ensure that all the nastys are out of the plant and then you start again with the nuits,


New Member
Cool cheers HighPhi!!

TM21 I think they look a weird color , very dark shade of green, too much nutes / water maybe?!


New Member
Cool , thanks - seeems these little rastas are gonna be alright after all !! /

I will keep the post updated with more pics soon.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
1. do not pull off leaves unless they come off with EXTREME ease...
2. General Hydroponics pH Control Kit

this is the most simple pH kit on the market and GREAT TOO!

3. if the nute burn is not to bad... just maintain your regular watering schedule but stop adding nutrients... If nut burn is bad, then you can flush ASAP...
