MY WHOLE CROP IS DYING, using earth juice and having serious problems. lower is worst


Well-Known Member
Sativas in my somewhat limited experience, seem to not need repotting the same as an indica does...I can leave a sativa in a tiny pot with very few issues, but my more indica strains just look terrible if I try to leave them in small pots during flower.


Active Member
This is my opinion
Small pot and over ferts. pot them up and just feed them clear water for a while.also the lime is a good idea too.


Dude, you're killing the roots of your plants keeping them in those milk jugs. They're clear, roots HAVE to live in complete darkness, ANY LIGHT WILL kill them eventually. You need to get those plants into some black landscape pots or something..., paint the outside black or whatever if you can't afford some decent pots, but they won't survive in a clear container for long, those roots will just die out. I don't think you're overwatering, or getting too drastic with your nutes, your temps seem optimal,...I know I'm right bro, get em into some dark can thank and rep me later :weed:


dude transplant n cut back on the nutes for a min then see how it goes but i think transplanting alone will make a huge diffence an it looks like ur overwatering maybe or not enough drainage could be why u have stinky water


New Member
maybe mix a little bone meal in with you top inch of dirt in them and make more drainage wholes they kinda look like they r drowning a little bit


Active Member
So what was the outcome of this seeing how this thread is from last year?

Earth Juice itself has a nasty smell since its a truly organic fertilizer. I use the same one. It smells kinda like rotten milk, Im assuming your stinky water is because your plants needed better drainage, especially when u use taller than wider containers. I've had the same issue, except I was 5 gallon talls, not a 1/2 gallon <--- LMAO. Remember that for every foot of plant u have, you need 1 gallon. Plus you have to anticipate how big your plant will be when its done flowering, and take that into consideration before flowering, because you want to avoid any type of stress on your plant past 3 weeks into flowering (re-potting, trimming, super cropping, drastic adjustments to ferts). Another reason I know it was a drainage issue is because your using Fox Farm, that is dirt, you need potting soil. I went through the same thing, Plus Fox Farm has a tendency to burn sensitive plants if not mixed or flushed <--Stupid. That stuff is awesome for outside, where its dry as hell, and plants need to that extra retaining ability. You oughta try to reach for a system you can water more often, so you can feed more often, and flush better. So either mix something in or change it up to coco.
Oh and as far as bubbling, Which is just agitating the water, You need to do that not really for 4 days, but at least 24 hours (if you dont have filter), then add EJ, bubble again for 24 hours then adjust ph of water before feeding. Check PH daily, since its organic the ph might change from day to day.



Well-Known Member
Fox farm ocean forest is fairly hot and works better if you mix 1 to 1 with happy frog also no need for nutrients in veg with fox farm soils at least not until the 3 rd week and even still start with nutes like your feeding seedlings. Also change pot, at least 5 gallon Home Depot pot drill lots of holes but u should look into 7 gallon smart pots or 7 gallon equivalent super root air pot, air pots are better and last forever but more money. Phing not necessary with organics but its smart to grab earth juice ph up and down and bring ph up to at least around 5.8-6.0 because with fox farm and nutes your ph will drop to high 4's maybe lower. also make sure if your using tap water u bypass the water softener salts if you have one it will destroy anything u plant


Well-Known Member
calmag, rootbound, looks like those pots are usless, first thing to learn is roots need darkness not clear containers. and phosphorus lockout

Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
Earth Juice is a big mistake for anything but chemical production IMHO the biggest reason being Earth Juice uses citric acid or something similar to chelate the nutrients to make them more bio-available and easier to pass through the roots. This in turn creates rapid ph swings that will give your plants lockout. This looks like a Phosphorous caused by ph swings. Check EC and your ph of your runoff and get back to me ASAP.
Also bubbling with EJ is always of vast importance because bubbling for 24 hours will let the ph balance to around 6.5.