geez man the chics always get their way while the males get shit because they suppose to deal with it.. there is alot of suicides because males get shit all and the chics get everything because they suppose to be better or some crap.. dude hang in there and if you truely feel you are doing the right thing than anything that comes your way you can face it because you know its all you can do.. forget about the bitch if you can and keep doin wats right .. thats the only way and she will see this or she wont, wateva it is its fate
If you think about it logically.... women get a lot of things when there is a split because typically the husband is the bread winner who brings in the most income in the relationship and when marriage after many many years ends there is something called "Spousal support" which is similar to child support, but is basically for a person to collect if they were dependant on their spouse to eat and have a roof over their head. Unfortunately, its not often that the guy stays at home or makes less than the woman, so if you look at it from a realistic perspective.... its just that way because of the way society is today and because many guys still think the wife should stay home and take care of the kids while he works and brings in the money. I should also add that should a guy be in the same position as a woman and the wife was the breadwinner he could collect spousal support and would recieve many of the same othere rights women recieve during a divorce. problem is...its very rare that the guy isn't the breadwinner.
Also, the reason things are split in divorces is because when you get married you're looked at as all your posessions being equal and therefore must be split. often times one party will just want the divorce to be finalized so they may agree to give the other everything or give the other specific things that they own together to complete the process faster.
It may seem like everything is so "unfair" and "biased" towards women, but if you actually evaluate the way things work you may notice that its mostly becaus the situation is always the same where the woman doesn't make as much as the man and he was the person who paid the bills.
if you were the stay at home father and your wife made the money and you were to get a divorce then depending on the circumstances you could get support from her for a limited time. there are a lot of stipulations though to collecting spousal support.
also, other things factor into how much women or men get. Typically in divorce there is infidelity. it really works against you in a court of law and judges will always favor the one who was cheated on. Thats why its important to keep your dick in your pants and either be married or dont be married, but dont double dip.