Mycorrhizae in FF Ocean Forest?


Active Member
I am starting a closet grow. 9 3L pots 50/% FF Ocean Forest & 50% Pearlite and Vermiculit.

Should I add Mycorrhizae to the soil mix or does potting soil like FF already contain these micro organism.



Ocean Forest would have virtually no mycorrhizal fungi spores or propagules as they haven't been added to the soil. I believe Happy Frog does, however.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I will get some mycorrhizai.
Check out Fungi Perfecti. ~$8 shipped for enough to do 150-250 plants.

I use the MycoGrow Soluble.

I don't add it to the soil, kinda wasteful, just inoculate with a soil drench at the first transplant. ONE application is all that's needed. Or, do a soil drench before you transplant the seedling.

Another good source is Humic and Fulvic acids also. High quality, good prices.



Well-Known Member
Check out Fungi Perfecti. ~$8 shipped for enough to do 150-250 plants.

I use the MycoGrow Soluble.

I don't add it to the soil, kinda wasteful, just inoculate with a soil drench at the first transplant. ONE application is all that's needed. Or, do a soil drench before you transplant the seedling.

Another good source is Humic and Fulvic acids also. High quality, good prices.

I wonder if they ship to Canada?


Well-Known Member
I am growing in FFOF. I also use a product called Great White. Very noticable difference using it. What I noticed most was more bud sites, in a side by side comparison of same strain, with and without GW.


Active Member
@saganist do you use both both together? I found 1oz on ebay for $ea.
@Wetdog & tet, Thanks

While I am on the subject of roots. Is it worth investing in any kind of root growth booster, or should I just leave it with the micro organisms.


They work best together, as far as root booster, Liquid karma is a kelp based root tonic that I use sparingly with every feed from clone to maturity.


Well-Known Member
Actually, that is what the Mico is...root booster. The packaging certainly describes it as such. And the way the hydro guy who sold it to me explained, it causes the root system to grow a lot more tiny cappillary type roots on the roots, if you will. I know, that's not very technical. Anyway, it is those very small roots that take up most of the nutes and water. The more of them, the more robust the plant (assuming other factors in order).