

Has anybody ever heard of Mycorrhizal? It's a form of Mycorrhizae that takes effect in 24 hours instead of 1 year like many other myccorhizae fungus, I had heard good things( I even know the person who developed it), But just tried it the first time this year....and I am hooked...I first decided I was going to try it after seeing the largest medical marijuana plant of 2006(I attached a photo, it's amazing) I tried it on quite a few different plants and didn't use it on ones of the same strain as a test. the one that were treated exploded within days of the application...I was amazed.

here is some outdoor I treated, the first pic is on may 10 the day I treated these 2 outdoor plants, the second pic is 12 days later, and the last pic is the biggest medical plant of the 2006 season it finished at 16 foot by 16 foot wide and 15 foot high....WOW!!!....:joint:



this is a C&P from his site....

Rick's mycorrhizal inoculants are a ultra fine material containing mycorrhizal fungi that colonize roots and extend into the surrounding soil forming a essential link between plant and soil resources. Wait until you see what it does when you introduce it to your hydroponic system... If you grow with it once. You will never grow without it again.

With Rick's product you will find that it germinates in 28 to 32 hours sending 200,000 organic spores quickly working in your plant's favor and nobody's product can do this. Most mycorrhizal that other companies produce take up to a year to germinate... About 80% of the worlds plant species form mycorrhiza with these beneficial endomycorrhizal fungi. Working together, beneficial mycorrhizal and tricoderma fungi expand into the surrounding soil or soiless conditions and greatly increase the root's ability to absorb water, nutrients and oxygen improving yields and plant health tenfold.


Well-Known Member
Has anybody ever heard of Mycorrhizal?
Yes, I just potted up one of my plants today with some Mycorrhizal fungi from Rootgrow (mycorrhizal fungi, rootgrow, rootgrowprofessional, plantworks, uk) and will pot up the rest tommorow. There are a number of products on the market that contain Mycorrhizal Funghi of which rootgrow is one, a better one comes in a suite of products from a company called Soil Secrets (.:: Soil Secrets ::.) not to be confused with the site which is in the USA. Soil Secrets is probably the most comprehensive suite of 'friendly bacteria' products you can get and contains a lot more micro-organisms than simple Mycorrhizal funghi. Soil Secrets products however, at the current time are about as easy to get as rocking horse shit, I haven't yet found a stockist of Soil Secrets products.

There are other products that do a similar kind of thing for a lot more money. Advanced Nutrients do a suite of 'beneficial bacteria' products that includes Mycorrhizal funghi and is probably more like Soil Secrets in terms of the 'variety' of beneficial bacteria it contains. The three AN products are 'Voodoo Juice', 'Pirahna' and 'Tarantula', but as mentioned those three cost plenty of bucks and are probably best used together.

Just so we don't get the same kind of problems as we did with molasses, please read carefully. DO NOT USE THESE PRODUCTS IN HYDRO! They're for soil grows only. You risk highly unstable ph by introducing friendly bacteria into your reservoir and you won't get your ph under control while those organisms continue to multiply in your res tank. You've been warned.


Well-Known Member
With Rick's product you will find that it germinates in 28 to 32 hours sending 200,000 organic spores quickly working in your plant's favor and nobody's product can do this.
That's marketing bullshit. There's plenty of 'alternative' products that will do the same thing.

Most mycorrhizal that other companies produce take up to a year to germinate..
That's marketing bullshit as well, all competing products will do the same thing as this guys product. Don't beleive the marketing hype.


Well-Known Member
this is a C&P from his site....

Rick's mycorrhizal inoculants are a ultra fine material containing mycorrhizal fungi that colonize roots and extend into the surrounding soil forming a essential link between plant and soil resources. Wait until you see what it does when you introduce it to your hydroponic system... If you grow with it once. You will never grow without it again. .

Thanks for the warning about Hydro Babygrow I was sitting here reading this thinking hmm....should I risk another disaster lol

but up ther in the quote I put he says you can use it in hydro but if it will mess with my PH and stuff then forget it


I don't know about the difference in the products, but I do know Rick's product does work, and he grew 16' diamater and 15' tall plant with the shit that was crazy.I also know Rick is a great guy and helped 13,000 people get there Marijuana cards here in the states so far, he is honest and I know he is not a liar, but I'm sure your right and he is Hyping his product up, but who wouldn't be excited about there own product I guess.


Thanks for the warning about Hydro Babygrow I was sitting here reading this thinking hmm....should I risk another disaster lol

but up ther in the quote I put he says you can use it in hydro but if it will mess with my PH and stuff then forget it

Rick has been using it in his Hydro systems for years, and swears by the results, He is known for growing 2 pound indoor plants and teaches people how to do it.

this is one of his indoor soil grown, it was taken outside for the photo.....



Well-Known Member
Rick has been using it in his Hydro systems for years, and swears by the results, He is known for growing 2 pound indoor plants and teaches people how to do it.

this is one of his indoor soil grown, it was taken outside for the photo.....
can you link me to more info one where it says he uses it for hydro I cant find it and I want to be real sure before I introduce it into my tank


can you link me to more info one where it says he uses it for hydro I cant find it and I want to be real sure before I introduce it into my tank
call him and talk to him about growing tomato:blsmoke: plants in hydro with it, he's the developer and can give you the best info. He's there all day toll free 1-800-851-3761 .....:joint: ask for rick

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I would look for EA/EN from Soil Secrets USA if I were adding it to my res. The product linked here is a gritty/black/sandy looking stuff that would be a bit tough on a res/sprayers.etc. IMO. In addition, there isn't much of the product for what he sells it for $$$ wise. A small bottle with a bit of dirt/sand it it....

As babygro says...there are many other products out there that do the same thing for less.

Oh...and don't expect this stuff to make your plants look like his.

THERE IS NO MAGIC BULLET. ***EVERYTHING*** must come together as one and no ONE product will give those results.

bt dt


I would look for EA/EN from Soil Secrets USA if I were adding it to my res. The product linked here is a gritty/black/sandy looking stuff that would be a bit tough on a res/sprayers.etc. IMO. In addition, there isn't much of the product for what he sells it for $$$ wise. A small bottle with a bit of dirt/sand it it....

As babygro says...there are many other products out there that do the same thing for less.

Oh...and don't expect this stuff to make your plants look like his.

THERE IS NO MAGIC BULLET. ***EVERYTHING*** must come together as one and no ONE product will give those results.

bt dt
the one bottle is enough to do 90 plants for there life, that's not very expensive in my oppinion, also it isn't sandy or gritty it's powder and completely dissolves in water.

true there is no magic bullet, and if you suck at growing this wont save you, also you won't grow plant's like rick right away ofcourse...he has 26 years experience.....But there is no question that Mycorrhizal is benificial to plant's, it totally is....:joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the warning about Hydro Babygrow I was sitting here reading this thinking hmm....should I risk another disaster lol

but up ther in the quote I put he says you can use it in hydro but if it will mess with my PH and stuff then forget it
Yeah I saw that before I typed my reply - in fairness I cannot speak for this particular product because I've not used it nor do I know anyone who has used it successfully in a hydro system. I can only speak from my own experience of things and from what I've reliably read and been informed by reliable others.

I do know someone, who was a highly experienced grower and had what many people would consider the 'dream' grow room setup. You name it, he had it - RO water, Air conditioning, sophisticated vent and fan controllers, and grew in soil in a huge planter! This guy knew his shit.

He decided to try an organic grow in hydro and bought a bunch of Advanced nutrient products, Voodoo Juice and Tarantula being two of them. Everything went fine until he introduced Voodoo juice and tarantula into the hydro reservoir and his ph went crazy and nothing he could do would stabilise it apart from simply chucking the whole lot out, flushing and filling a new res.

Now, if this guy can't sort this problem out (and he couldn't/didn't) then I don't hold up much hope for newbie growers figuring it out either - hence my warning about using this type of thing in hydro, which in all fairness was concerned with another manufacturers products.

Now it may turn out that this guys products work perfectly well in hydro, in which case I'm happy to retract my warning, let's see who will be the first to test it out.

As far as I'm concerned, beneficial microbes and funghi work best in soil root zones, plants in hydro don't suffer from the same nutrient intake restrictions that plants grown in soil have and don't rely on living micro-organisms to break the organic nutrient components down into chelated forms for intake. I don't really see what the benefits are for hydro grows, particularly Mycorrhizal although there are other micro-organisms that perform different functions in a more pathological way - ie hunting down and killing pathogens and harmful bacteria that would be equally useful in hydro.

My advice if you're thinking of using something like this is, do some research on inoculants and beneficial funghi in hydro grows. What the pluses, minuses and dangers are.


thank you for the info and tips babygro, you know your shit and I've always respected your posts....peace


Well-Known Member
This is what wikipedia says...also learned about it in college...Mycorrhizae

A mycorrhiza is the result of a mutualistic association between a fungus and a plant. This mutualism takes place at the root level, where individual hyphae extending from the mycelium of a fungus colonize the roots of a host plant, either intracellularly or extracellularly. it makes them have more cells. This mutualistic association provides the fungus with a renewable source of food through access to fixed carbon (sugars) from the plant photosynthate. These are translocated to the root tissues from their source location (usually leaves), and then to the fungal partners. In return, the plant gains the use of the mycelium's tremendous surface area to absorb mineral nutrients from the soil. It is believed that the mycelia of mycorrhizal networks have better mineral absorption capabilities compared to plant roots. An example of this is the manner in which phosphate ions are tightly bound to iron oxides in many soils. Plant roots are generally incapable of accessing these phosphorus sources (which can be large and are termed sinks), yet mycorrhizal mycelia can access these forms of phosphorus. The mechanisms of increased absorption are both physical—mycorrhizal mycelia are much smaller in diameter than the smallest root hair and thus are able to explore a greater volume of soil and have a much larger surface area for absorption—and chemical—the cell membrane chemistry of fungi is different from that of plants. Mycorrhizae are especially beneficial for the plant partner in nutrient poor soils. Furthermore, mycorrhizal plants are often more resistant to diseases, such as thoThe cytoplasmic streaming of the mycorrhizal hypha is a mechanism that facilitates the transfer of nutrients from the soil, at relatively remote distances from the root, to the root at rates far exceeding those that would be possible by osmotic flow alone. This has an energy cost to the fungus. In return, the mycorrhizal fungus is rewarded by the "payment" of nutrients in the form of sugars, starches, proteins and lipids from the plant roots. These nutrients, in turn, flow to the whole mycelial network through cytoplasmic streaming.
Mycorrhizas form a mutualistic relationship with the roots of most plant species (although only a small proportion of all species have been examined, 95% of all plant families are predominantly mycorrhizal). Plants grown in sterile soils and growth media often perform poorly without the addition of spores or hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi to colonise the plant roots and aid in the uptake of soil mineral nutrients. The absence of mycorrhizal fungi can also slow plant growth in early succession or on degraded landscapes.


nice post.....sounds like micorrhizae would be benificial in hydro since most plants need it to grow well and hydro would contain none unless you added it, also you guys can seriously call Rick anytime, this guy is smart and knows all about mycorrhizal, he's freindly and loves to answer any questions....he's even helped over 13,000 people get there medical cards, and has written a great medical marijuana him

Rick 1-800-851-3761

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
This Rick...does he also walk on water?

FWIW, I know someone who grew a 6.5 lb plant in their backyard last year in the same general area that Rick grows in. (and he didn't use Rick's myco)
Somethin about the sun shining everyday according to him...but hell..he's only been growing 20 WTF does he know?

Damn..just think what he can do this year if he makes that call, huh?