Hey everyone,
I did a little experiment last time I brewed some AACT.
I had just received my fungi perfecti mycos powder, and without thought, mushed it in with my worm castings.
To my surprise a couple days later, I found this growing on my "tea bag"
Looks like nothing Ive ever seen, and Ive been brewing teas for years...
Almost mushroom looking...
But, this is the first time I added the mycos...
What do you all think?
I am not sure that I will do this again, as I cannot really see how this would make my teas better...
I will just have to mix the powder in with the soil next round.
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Cap's bennies kick ass pitbull style...
I copied and pasted...
The Nute pack is an ideal way to boost your plants ability to do what it does best: grow and flower. With the proper application, you will see a noticeable difference in growth, yield and overall vigor.
-Nitrogen fixers, which convert nitrogen gas in to usable nitrate. Nitrogen fixers also will increase plant growth as they produce vitamins, auxins, and gibberllins. Nitrogen fixers give a boost to seedlings germination and overall yield.
-Phosphate solubilizers, which will dissolve fixed tricalcium phosphate in to the usable form monocalcium phosphate. These little guys also produce organic acids (citric acid, lactic acid), hormones, and enzymes which will help in nutrient uptake and general plant vigor.
-Potash mobilizers,that will seek out Potash near the root zone and bring it to the roots of the plant. It is great for low K soil, or coco, since coco is known to "hold" K.
-Mycorrhizae. This product has 100 spore colonies per gram of each of the following endo mycorrhizae:
-Glomus intraradices
-Glomis mosseae
-Glomis aggregatum
-Glomus clarum
Thats some crazy looking shit, probably just bioslime..................................... Don't add Myco to teas, they wil not breed or do anything in there, they need close contact with roots to come out of dormancy.... USE during seeding, transplanting, planting or injection into root zone.
GH's SubCulture B is legit...thinking about giving Earth Juice's BioZeus a try...we'll see
i use great white but honestly, i see no difference since using it.
I am about to get so high off a ginormous dab!!! right after i smoke this joint!!! happy 420 MF'ers
Legalize it for the kids!
Thats strange....check this out http://www.ebay.com/itm/farm-only-/230699232279
The Nute pack is an ideal way to boost your plants ability to do what it does best: grow and flower. With the proper application, you will see a noticeable difference in growth, yield and overall vigor.
Nitrogen fixers made up of Azospirillum and Rhizobium, which convert nitrogen gas in to usable nitrate. Nitrogen fixers also will increase plant growth as they produce vitamins, auxins, and gibberllins. Nitrogen fixers give a boost to seedlings germination and overall yield.
Phosphate solubilizers made up of Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas striata, which will dissolve fixed tricalcium phosphate in to the usable form monocalcium phosphate. These little guys also produce organic acids (citric acid, lactic acid), hormones, and enzymes which will help in nutrient uptake and general plant vigor.
Frateuria aurentia, a Potash mobilizer, is a beneficial bacteria that will seek out Potash near the root zone and bring it to the roots of the plant. It is great for low K soil, or coco, since coco is known to "hold" K.
Mycorrize. This product has 50 spore colonies per gram of each of the following endo mycorrhizae:
-Glomus intraradices
-Glomis mosseae
-Glomis aggregatum
-Glomus clarum
I believe Glomus Mosseae and Glomus Intraradices are the two key endomycorrhizal fungi we're looking for
Whats strange?
Thats where he sells them.
It's a "guy thing" that we want to buy products for performance. Put the myco in a pretty bottle and guys will buy it, even if there's only a small chance it might do anything at all. I see this so much more clearly now that I've gone to naturally amended no-till soil.
Well they did help all of the life forms on this plant exist......including man.
But yes, watch out for all the hype...I see WAY WAY more in Hydro tho.
Yup, thats what it's looking like............. Those might work best with Cannabis
The spore count in the link i found....................I see three products, which one being sold in this link? http://www.ebay.com/itm/farm-only-/230699232279