ya if you noticed they were in pots last year.they are twice the size this year or close to it.there are a TON of differences in this grow over that one... wow... i was just going through and thinking "thats changed and thats changed and thats changed"... i definatly agree.. your blowing that grow out of the water right now... those flowered girls last year seem to be shorter or about as tall as your vegged girls this year.. with a few months of growth to go.... damn bro... id give you more rep but i cant give it to you yet...
shit i already topped them . im just leaveing them be now. see what become of them,helli might need a 8ft step ladder to cut the topsoff.....LOLwtf happened? Yep a taller roof is gonna be needed unless you start bending or topping. Looking good.
man bro im just stumped over that. its been pounding my mellon over it. onlya couple things i can think of. my ocalating fan was really close it could of been hitting it every time it swang around, i was showing some friends could of got bumped just right. hope its mends. it should thjey always have in the pastLOL, I hear that! So what caused the break?
ya they will be looking out of my house window threw the green house window to see them for now on.. just me and the wife will be entering the green house now....thats always a bitch when something like that happens without an explination.. it was probably something stupid like you said, the fan or a friend walking by... and least it was just a limb tho... it'd be devistating if it was an entire plant... like if someone tripped and fell onto it.. **knock on wood**
yep just like samy said...not aproblem..Speaking of critters and clones would it be safe to spray Neem on them while they're trying to root? Since they were from an outside mother I'd hate for them to start getting a foot in the door. Just a precaution more than a problem.
thanks guys, alls well that ends well...sorry to hear that....hope it heals
Well least u did her proper...caught some air... let it all hang out...and limped away..IN MG fashion i hope..
ahh i trashed my tibia 2 years back..by catchin a rock and bending my heel and everything under my peg....rolling with the bike and snappin my tib, and breaking my ankle.. wuz worse than my shoulder surgery..ahh.. youall should of seen me..my poor old bike wuz still running, so for some reason out of adreniline or some shit , i felt it proper to crawl on my belly over to it and hit the kill switch..then it took me nearly 10 minutes to figure out it wasnt my neck that was broken just the entire left leg..then another 10 minutes of trying to figure how to get my helmet off, cause my hands were so shakey i couldnt get the chin strap off...oh man wuz i shakey.. i wasnt really a funny deal..but once my boyz new i was all good (i was riding with my friends)..they thought how i wuz acting all out of it was apparently hilarious...