Well-Known Member
LOL gotta love billy mays...
i could see billy mays doing coke.. lol
"billy mays here for 8 balls.. do you feel tired in the morning?? do you need a quick pick me up?? well if this is you then try this (shows an 8 ball in his hands)!! the all new 8-ball!! with garunteed hours of awakeness in every ball you can get all the jobs you wanted to do around the house done, without the need to eat, sleep, or rest at all!! an ocasional wipe of the nose to remove blood or a couple hours of come down are all you have to suffer through for hours and hours of pure enjoyment.. for a low low price of $19.99 you can get hours of work done without even thinking about it!! call now and we'll throw in this great snorting straw.. a $0.99 cent offer, FREE!!"
Id let my kids stay at Micheal Vics house before I would have Micheal Jacksons house. WTF were the parents thinking?
Im not sad hes gone at all, more sad about billy
I heard Billy Mays death was coke related. Jackson had a doctor to drug him and watch to make sure he didn't die...thats a hardcore drug prob.
billy mays was a coke head. hah.
mighty mend, oxy clean, dual saw and more..
you sold lots of things, everyone could afford...
we wanted them bad, just because it was you
who sold them to me, in your bright shirt of blue...
but coke took you away, and other drugs too
who'd ever think?? who coulda knew??
now there's no one to sell to us, no one around
just that douche bag sham wow guy, but he's a damn clown..
so we sit around watching, commercials of past..
where its obvious now you were high off your ass...
you touched all our hearts, and you'll truely be missed...
but if you could Billy, i have just 1 little wish...
when your talkin to god, there's one thing we need
can you ask him to make some more potent weed??
mighty mend, oxy clean, dual saw and more..
you sold lots of things, everyone could afford...
we wanted them bad, just because it was you
who sold them to me, in your bright shirt of blue...
but coke took you away, and other drugs too
who'd ever think?? who coulda knew??
now there's no one to sell to us, no one around
just that douche bag sham wow guy, but he's a damn clown..
so we sit around watching, commercials of past..
where its obvious now you were high off your ass...
you touched all our hearts, and you'll truely be missed...
but if you could Billy, i have just 1 little wish...
when your talkin to god, there's one thing we need
can you ask him to make some more potent weed??
mighty mend, oxy clean, dual saw and more..
you sold lots of things, everyone could afford...
we wanted them bad, just because it was you
who sold them to me, in your bright shirt of blue...
but coke took you away, and other drugs too
who'd ever think?? who coulda knew??
now there's no one to sell to us, no one around
just that douche bag sham wow guy, but he's a damn clown..
so we sit around watching, commercials of past..
where its obvious now you were high off your ass...
you touched all our hearts, and you'll truely be missed...
but if you could Billy, i have just 1 little wish...
when your talkin to god, there's one thing we need
can you ask him to make some more potent weed??
you no what i think is cool you all talkink shit in my thread only to have it closed..... not cool if you want to talk about billythen start your own thread, i started this one of my greenhouse grow, not billy maze thanks
you no what i think is cool you all talkink shit in my thread only to have it closed..... not cool if you want to talk about billythen start your own thread, i started this one of my greenhouse grow, not billy maze thanks
its all good. i wouldjust hate to see it closed over somthing stupid like that. .. the 19th wasn't to long ago.. well i'll just have to post sum pics. i didn't want to boare you all with pics....
oh P S its really hard to take pics when youcan'teven get in the greeen house.... hehehehehehheheehehehe