Mylar Emergency Blankets?


Well-Known Member

I know mylar is the best reflective material but can these be used to reflect light in a grow box? Would you recommend it?
HA HA, i did that route once. Fuck that shit is a bitch to manipulate. I eneded up stop using it for 2 reasons, one it's a bitch.
And 2...they are highly inconsistant throughout the entire sheet. Hold it up to the light and look THOUGH IT. You may see faint streaks, or very light patches.

HOWEVER, for how cheap they are....they work in a half decent mcGuiver kinda way.


Well-Known Member
I used emergency blankets I got from K-Mart as like 2.99 a pop. They work great, like rolls of mylar. Only issue is they are very thin and tear easy if you have airflow in your grow room. I found putting a small piece of duct tape on the blanket where I was going to put a nail into it though really helped stop the tearing.