Mylar up on bottom of grow tent?

Iv been a lurker for years. Joined up again for the second time after I started growing again.
and every damn post made is about hating cities. Hating sports. Hating peoples. Hating fertilizer companies. Hating this site compared to years ago. Literally every thing is better when he says it was. The hell with anyone else opinion
I had an old man say the otherday that our generation was doomed due to not beeing brought up the way they were and that the world is doomed because of it.. the world needs different mind sets.. imagine everyone was the same.. you think weed be were we are right now… shit there wouldnt be transportation if everyone thinks alike
Yes but to some people it is new. Not everyone has been a member for several years. Some of you really need to loosen up. Not everyone wants to dig through the search field and would like some interactive advice and discussion. That's the point of a forum! Go figure.

At the same time you guys will get annoyed when someone posts a question in the newbie section or general growing section but if someone were to bump a post from 2 years ago you'd be on their ass too. No matter what you guys all hate on everything and everyone that doesn't conform to your standards.
I've been a member of this site since 2016. I didn't post until around a year ago, because I realized that there was a search function and every question had already been answered multiple times.
Geez. This guy is literally the most upset human on every level known to man.
Cheer up bro. Gosh darn. Holy moly your negative!!!
YouTube is entertainment. Not collage courses.

Spewing incorrect information that many will consider to be true is not entertainment. It's misinformation and there's too much of it going around. Yes I'm negative regarding youtube cannabis hacks because there are daily posts of new growers having issues because they watched some youtube hack and their plants look like crap.

I'm not going to go around as if life is all rainbows, unicorns, and butterflies like some rally squad cheering on their football team that's down 35 points with 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Some people need to crawl out of their little safety bubble and see things for what they are. "Oh dude, he's just making a video, it's all good. Who cares if he's spewing crap. Don't be so negative."

Amen. There are some literal Grumpy Old Men on here just like the movie. If you show any interest in trying new things or methods they attack like wasps. If you don't have a PhD and grow using anything other than Maxibloom and Epsom Salts you're a moron to them.

I don't need a damn PhD to know how to grow cannabis. I also don't need one to know that youtube is full of hacks spewing bad information. Cannabis is an easy plant to grow. The reason so many struggle is because of all the crap information out there with youtube being the biggest part of the misinformation supply chain.

Nobody's attacking anyone other than you with your petty attacks. Just use my screen name if you want to address me. It's obvious who your talking about. You're not sly if that's what you were thinking.

All this attention has actually boosted my ego which will cause me to become even more of the arrogant, condescending, asshole that you already think I am.
Spewing incorrect information that many will consider to be true is not entertainment. It's misinformation and there's too much of it going around. Yes I'm negative regarding youtube cannabis hacks because there are daily posts of new growers having issues because they watched some youtube hack and their plants look like crap.

I'm not going to go around as if life is all rainbows, unicorns, and butterflies like some rally squad cheering on their football team that's down 35 points with 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Some people need to crawl out of their little safety bubble and see things for what they are. "Oh dude, he's just making a video, it's all good. Who cares if he's spewing crap. Don't be so negative."

I don't need a damn PhD to know how to grow cannabis. I also don't need one to know that youtube is full of hacks spewing bad information. Cannabis is an easy plant to grow. The reason so many struggle is because of all the crap information out there with youtube being the biggest part of the misinformation supply chain.

Nobody's attacking anyone other than you with your petty attacks. Just use my screen name if you want to address me. It's obvious who your talking about. You're not sly if that's what you were thinking.

All this attention has actually boosted my ego which will cause me to become even more of the arrogant, condescending, asshole that you already think I am.

You're genuinely pathetic. "All this attention has actually boosted my ego which will cause me to become even more of the arrogant, condescending, asshole that you already think I am."

WOW dude I bet you have a lot of friends.
You're genuinely pathetic. "All this attention has actually boosted my ego which will cause me to become even more of the arrogant, condescending, asshole that you already think I am."

WOW dude I bet you have a lot of friends.

Actually I do. Good ones. But they don't call me "Dude" and they're all adults.

What do you call someone that goes on a petty attack for someone stating the truth? Some might call that pathetic.

You must believe that light reflected from the mylar on the floor of a grow tent is detrimental to cannabis plants. If you don't believe that to be true then what the hell is your problem? Do you believe it or not? Is the youtuber right or wrong? Simple questions. Can you answer them please?
Actually I do. Good ones. But they don't call me "Dude" and they're all adults.

What do you call someone that goes on a petty attack for someone stating the truth? Some might call that pathetic.

You must believe that light reflected from the mylar on the floor of a grow tent is detrimental to cannabis plants. If you don't believe that to be true then what the hell is your problem? Do you believe it or not? Is the youtuber right or wrong? Simple questions. Can you answer them please?

My bad dude.
"My bad dude" isn't an answer to either question. If you don't want to answer that's fine and we'll leave it at that.

Do you believe it or not?

Is the youtuber right or wrong?
Dude relax. Not everyone is from Oregon and has a different slang or tongue. You going to south Louisiana and telling em gumbo slang is uneducated? And YouTube. Bro? Have you watched anything other than a documentary?
movies. Like Jurassic park? Or let me guess. You were the guy that turned the movie off because it was false facts and YOU decided it was stupid.
Those youtube people may be wrong about a lot of shit. But it’s because they are just making a living off YouTube. Facts. There human and they get hungry. They gotta eat. Just because you didn come up with the idea first doesn’t make it dumb. Life isn’t rainbows. But it’s not hell either. You need to grow up. Idc how old you are. You act 12
Intelligence is not decided by age. And definitely being old doesn’t not mean depressed and mad at literally everything.

No body’s going to listen to an older man when they constantly talking shit about the person they’re tryin to give advice to.
Bottom and side lighting has been proven over and over again for years as being a useful addition to a dialed in garden. Thats really the end of the discussion. That includes reflective light off the sides and floor of the tent (that's why they make they reflective......)
Not sure what you're talking about bud.

I'm talking about a couple simple yes or no questions that you won't answer. You started some stuff so follow through.

All this ridiculous old man crap you and your friends are pushing is a cop out. This thread is about whether light reflected from the mylar on the bottom of a tent is detrimental to growing cannabis. I say it isn't and some hack on youtube says it is. Who do you believe? Why won't you answer a simple question?

The only people making this about age is you and a couple of your online friends. Age has nothing to do with it. And going back to one of your previous posts in this thread, what the hell does the fact that I'm using MaxiBloom have to do with anything. Is that supposed to be some kind of insult? Because it's not.

If you don't have a PhD and grow using anything other than Maxibloom and Epsom Salts you're a moron to them.

But can you answer the question?

Do you believe that the mylar on the floor of a grow tent is detrimental to cannabis plants because it reflects light? That was the original topic of this thread. Not whether I was an old grumpy fart or anything. I answered the OP's initial post with "It's bullshit". That was more helpful than anything you've offered so far.

What was your purpose for posting?
Update, i added a white washer 3x3 pan to act at a runoff container. Thanks for all the advice my personal hunch was it hurts nothing.