Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers


Well-Known Member
wow kush... ur family is gettin big :D lots of flowering goodness goin on. really lookin forward to hearing how you like the blue widow when shes all done n cured :D im real excited bout mine!


Well-Known Member
i simply cannot believe how nicely everything cam etogether....almost like i had planned it :p check it out guys!!!!

passive intake in back

gunna be the active exhaust

secured the duct booster using the strap provided then finished it with a tight seal as seen here

pulled it to be flush with tent wall so nothign is sticking out



Well-Known Member
everyones very happy now. the papaya and sweettooth are the only ones that dont seem to be hapy with the light feedings I've been giving. They have been and will continue to get slightly higher feeds and I'll see how they respond.
topping will commence for the larger ones in the next week. enjoy


big bud


Blue widow

kaia kush


heri jack


kings kush

didnt do individuals of the younger sprouts. some are runty and one has only asingle cotyledon and may not have its meristem intact. these younger seedlings are from real old seedstock so they are just in search and hopes for a keeper mom or two. Whatever I get oudda them is just gravy :D
*looking good myles :) keep it green~


Well-Known Member
thanks guys :) cloner should be here by end of week as well as a small fan for that tent to blow on my future seedlings n beef em up.


Well-Known Member
hahaha i prefer to keep my THC and food seperate. smoke first than nom on everything in sight. if i made edibles id smoke then eat them and itd just turn me into a pot blob on a log

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
no problem its in the oven right now man ill send it right over lol, you dont mind if i ship myself in the box too right? that way we can burn it when me and the carrot cake get there.


Well-Known Member
if you get hungry n eat the cake imma grind you up n feed you to my carnivorous plants when you get here fucker lmao