Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers


Well-Known Member
the grow room is closed off and mice cant get in it but they are in the surrounding room. one down, im sure a few more to go :D

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
lol fuckin myles has mice i killed a rat trying to fuck with my outdo this season only to have damn bud worms get it.


Well-Known Member
its an attic in an apartment....mice gunna be there lol. will keep traps set for a week or so n see how i do

new seeds came today :D starign at them trying to pick one to grow for now....easie said then done


Well-Known Member
hahaha Dude is that a succulent in the middle of those Cati ??? not hating or anything but do they contain anything from the Entheogen realm..cuzz shyt my Uncle has shit tonz of those plants in his backyard


Well-Known Member
yeah its a succulant...just a common jade tho. they are one of the most common houseplants behind banjamin figs :p nothing drug related im sry to say lol. that plant is from a cutting i took freshman year of highschool. kinda special to me to see how much its grown from the 5 inch cutting i rooted almost 7 years ago :D


Well-Known Member
I have a special succulent as well Its a Aloe vera plant from where i grew up almost 15 years ago LOL I call him BUD hahah go figure..It was a small branch from a Huge plant at the i stuck it in the dirt and watered it and It grew :D..One could say its where i got My passion for growing


Well-Known Member
aloe plants are very cool :D plus when u inevitably burn yaself you can just break a lil piece off a leaf and rub it on the area. gott love it :D

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
i got a aloe vera as well, i also used to have a jade i planted when i was 7 years old, died off when we added onto the house, forgot to save it builders threw it out... bastards...


Well-Known Member
Ehh im doing ok...My friend/fuck budy is trying to swoop in on me n Be My GF n shyt....i told her I just dont think we could be a good match...But the sex is good haha...But the other more meaningful shyt kinda isn't...its why im not with her right my X is being a Fucking bitch toting her New arm candy around everywhere makn sure Every 1 knows she "dumped me" when thats totally not how it went down...But w/e sometimes when i get angry i remember my mom's advice on bitches " she aint even worth the breath" haha so fucking true man....other than that mang, I've been going to a mess of clinics in Cali getting all kinds of DANK shyt and buying clones..Speaking of which I forgot to mention I picked up 2 Platinum Bubba Kush clones and some Mars OG...staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanky ass weeeed but is Frosty and fruity/piny

What baout you dude? whats new in the world of Myles..aside from mice hahaa


Well-Known Member
sounds like highschool drama bullshit on ur ex's part. an i had a fuckbuddy that fell for me couple years ago.... sure aint easy tellin a girl who likes u that the sex is good but that errr ummm your just not ummmm right for me? LOL i remember trying to play that cool n it blew up in my face. best of luck to you handling that bomb with care ;)

aside from killing 5 fucking mice today LOL shits been good, just got some crazy genetics from a buddy. germed 5 subcool jilly bean X grape god seeds this afternoon so hopefully theyll pop tomorrow. growing way more plants than sane and loving it :D


Well-Known Member
sounds like highschool drama bullshit on ur ex's part. an i had a fuckbuddy that fell for me couple years ago.... sure aint easy tellin a girl who likes u that the sex is good but that errr ummm your just not ummmm right for me? LOL i remember trying to play that cool n it blew up in my face. best of luck to you handling that bomb with care ;)

aside from killing 5 fucking mice today LOL shits been good, just got some crazy genetics from a buddy. germed 5 subcool jilly bean X grape god seeds this afternoon so hopefully theyll pop tomorrow. growing way more plants than sane and loving it :D

DUDE can i get some of those seeds I gots the cash$$$ that cross sounds BOMB...or we can trade i has Blue mystic crossed with an Unknown Male ( FUCKING POLLEN ) i got shit tonz of beans they may not be stable but i grew 1 out n she was an interesting plant best berry smellin plant i ever grew