Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers

dude my cat fuckincut me! if you dont mind a minor thread jack.. i accedently scared him n he cut me like he was guna kill or die, and he almost killed the fuck outa my finger!

what sa journal without derailings to spice it up? :p

thats kinda funny from over here :D i gots 4 cats n i get scratched up all the time playin with them fuckers.

Subbed man, looks like I got here just in time for the action.

nice to see ya found my hideout! and indeed, impeckable timing brro :)
Yeah it's going to be a good one, I can tell. Your veg garden looks healthy as fuck, they have a good start. I've finally concluded my problem these last 2 rounds was old nutes, because mine don't look 1/3 as pretty as yours right now.
dude my cat fuckincut me! if you dont mind a minor thread jack.. i accedently scared him n he cut me like he was guna kill or die, and he almost killed the fuck outa my finger!

took me a couple years of fuckups to get my shit together but i feel pretty confident with everything now. i threw away al my leftover nutrients from past grows for this go at it. and i pay for foxfarm happy frog soil which is pricey but hell the quality and stability is just great! pays for itself in no time at all.

do you have a journal i havent explored yet???
nah, i want a public grow, and it seems easier to journal in the threads. i use ocean forrest, and have a chance to change for next grow are you suggesting otherwise?

yea no other journals, but my youtube vids are worth a look i think. if not i owe you some thin i suppose
only reason i dont use ocean forest is i like to control all nutrients my plants get. happy frog has less nutrients in it. choosing between the two is purely personal preferance cuz i've seen both kick ass :)

that question was directed at both you n woody hahaha. i fucked up quoting
oh i think i would like to be in a bit more control. as OF is hot for like 4weeks when i wana be feeding a dif regimate of nutes.

OF cool for semi-experianced noobs i feel. and i think im workin on steping outa that reagion.
well happy frog will give you the ph stability without the added nutrients. some people say it needs perlite added into it to get the correct drainage but i love it the way it comes. retains water a bit more then the ocean forest which is pretty airy in comparison. its got al kinda of beneficials packed into it for the roots to enjoy living with :)
No sir I don't have a journal yet. Every time I feel like my garden is rocking and in showcase condition, I have epic fall outs on plant numbers or health. These last 2 rounds it's been old BioBizz fucking my shit up and mold, round before that was mold and not enough light in veg. Mold is a inescapable problem on my part of the mountain. Everyone has it, it's fucking perpetual. Everything about the outdoor conditions around here is the perfect formula for mold. Everything is acidic, it never gets over 102f almost never gets over even 98f, and there is oak and vinca and something else I don't recognize but it's always covered in mold everywhere too. So moving is in my near future. Lol, anyways, I've gotten many new fungicide products recently, another 800w in veg, and about to juice my flower room up another 600w to 1800w, so I still have a lot of work to do before I can get my garden where I want it to be.

I mean, it would be cool to show everyone how I change my garden up and stuff, but my plants look so shitty right now I don't want anyone to see them. I am used to nothing less than perfect plants so it is a huge blow to my ego. I like the Fox Farm Happy Frog more than any product Fox Farm has to offer, period. It's fantastic, but I often find it giving me fungus gnats, so I've stopped using it. I hear it was just a temporary problem, and anyone who has been properly storing their products shouldn't have that problem anymore. But I've been throwing the idea around. I have a really bad ass project coming up, and I'll probably be logging that.
oh i thought OF held water quite long.. in my grow:

3gal pots
7-8cups of water about 6-8 day interval

is that once the plants are well established and a pretty large size? i water mine bout twice a week if nbot more once roots are well established

No sir I don't have a journal yet. Every time I feel like my garden is rocking and in showcase condition, I have epic fall outs on plant numbers or health. These last 2 rounds it's been old BioBizz fucking my shit up and mold, round before that was mold and not enough light in veg. Mold is a inescapable problem on my part of the mountain. Everyone has it, it's fucking perpetual. Everything about the outdoor conditions around here is the perfect formula for mold. Everything is acidic, it never gets over 102f almost never gets over even 98f, and there is oak and vinca and something else I don't recognize but it's always covered in mold everywhere too. So moving is in my near future. Lol, anyways, I've gotten many new fungicide products recently, another 800w in veg, and about to juice my flower room up another 600w to 1800w, so I still have a lot of work to do before I can get my garden where I want it to be.

I mean, it would be cool to show everyone how I change my garden up and stuff, but my plants look so shitty right now I don't want anyone to see them. I am used to nothing less than perfect plants so it is a huge blow to my ego. I like the Fox Farm Happy Frog more than any product Fox Farm has to offer, period. It's fantastic, but I often find it giving me fungus gnats, so I've stopped using it. I hear it was just a temporary problem, and anyone who has been properly storing their products shouldn't have that problem anymore. But I've been throwing the idea around. I have a really bad ass project coming up, and I'll probably be logging that.

my outdoor attempt cpl years ago went up in mold :( didnt get to smoke any of it. havent been brave enuff to trhy again since.

iv never gotten a single insect from foxfarm soils.... it may be the place you are buying it from thta is allowing it to be infected through poor storage. iv gone through aloota bags over the years an never any probs.

i understand what you mean not wantin to show people plants that arent a true reflection of your growskills but as far as im concerned, we are here to trya nd help you not insult. :)
thanks buddy :) funny you say that as well, i have a ten inch fan coming for the big room. gunna have three fans in there cuz with the plants gettin bushy, it stops the breeze much faster and the ones in back arent gettign nearly as much benefit as the ones up fornt. will toss up pics when it arrives!

Awesome mate! Me and k0ijn are gonna get more fans as well, cause you're right; you can never have too much air movement :)
Looking forward to see more pics, and don't be afraid of showing the small details of your setup as well ;)
hahhaha details you want, details you will get! the first few pic updates show pretty well just how the room is setup. soon as clones put out bumps ill post pics.
Sounds great! :)
Yeah i've seen the pictures in the first part of your thread. And I was wondering, do you have enough room for them to grow tall when you have the ceiling there?
Looking forward to the pictures :)
they aint gunna grow tall if i have anything to say bout it :D im a master of LST and topping :p every few days i adjust the ties and keep branches at same height. i will do this through the stretch as well. its the best way to flower with t5s as they dont penetrate tall plants as well as HIDs. spreding a canopy out wide will get ya the best yields from em :)

plus after the moms are picked imma be doin SOG with 15-20 plants in flowering at a time and they will be smaller then these i have in there now.
odd how you dont get the bugs but the guys that live right in close proximity to the FF factory say fuck them because of buggy soil. I hate FFOF drains WAY too slow, dont like the composition of it compared to roots or advanced soils. The happy frog is good but i could swear it was a lighter mix that FFOF because its for seedlings and shit. Also why it has less nutrients. I think the bug issues are mainly with the OF not the HF. I could get down on some happy frog after some ammending with perlite to drain better. That is if its heavier than the OF which i cant remember been so long since i used it.
im curious myles your pulling a GANG of watts with those t5's wouldnt you think at some point that HPS would outweigh the t5 benefits? Even with the power because seems to me you got an assload of t5's and i dont know about you but my 1 4 bulb fixture pulls 200 watts. 8 bulbs and i might as well be using a MH to veg them. Just curious is all. Not that theres anything wrong with t5's besides the massive amounts of mercury ;)

they aint gunna grow tall if i have anything to say bout it :D im a master of LST and topping :p every few days i adjust the ties and keep branches at same height. i will do this through the stretch as well. its the best way to flower with t5s as they dont penetrate tall plants as well as HIDs. spreding a canopy out wide will get ya the best yields from em :)

plus after the moms are picked imma be doin SOG with 15-20 plants in flowering at a time and they will be smaller then these i have in there now.
1. i have had three of these t5 fixutures for over 3 years so i already had em here n ready to go minus the new bulbs. yes i bought a new one but it was much chepaer then buying a whole new say 600 watt hps with aircooled hood an digi ballast.

2. HPS dont spread light as evenly....say what ya want but HPS light coems from one spot and the rest is jsut reflected. this leads to much shading unless on a mover. t5s hit way more of the plants total leaf surface area.

3. I dont want to go back to aircooled hoods n that shiz. i like just havin my scrubber exhaust for simplicity and less ducting clusterfuck in my room.

4. i want to destroy all life on earth with my flouro tubes ;)
^^^^gotcha i was just thinking of the poor power bill getting owned just as hard as an HID lol see if you had bought them all right now for this grow id be givin you a hard time, using existing equipment smart man ;) t5's last fuckin forever too ballasts anyways. tubes go out but they are cheap.

decimate life myles decimate.
odd how you dont get the bugs but the guys that live right in close proximity to the FF factory say fuck them because of buggy soil. I hate FFOF drains WAY too slow, dont like the composition of it compared to roots or advanced soils. The happy frog is good but i could swear it was a lighter mix that FFOF because its for seedlings and shit. Also why it has less nutrients. I think the bug issues are mainly with the OF not the HF. I could get down on some happy frog after some ammending with perlite to drain better. That is if its heavier than the OF which i cant remember been so long since i used it.

lol happy frog isnt for seedlings. they have light warrior that is their specific seedling soil. ocean forest and happy frpog are their potting soils. happy frog is pretty heavy soil and for me it holds water great. it isnt a downside unless you growing in a humid ass area or its jus tnot getting optimal airlfow/light. I water my seedlings bout 3-4 tiems a week in happy frog when they hardly have a rootsystem lol
^^^^gotcha i was just thinking of the poor power bill getting owned just as hard as an HID lol see if you had bought them all right now for this grow id be givin you a hard time, using existing equipment smart man ;) t5's last fuckin forever too ballasts anyways. tubes go out but they are cheap.

decimate life myles decimate.

ironically iv neveer had a single tube fail on me n the older ones must be bout 4 years old now. They are a bit dimmer then when new but still put out good light. i had one ballast fail on me when i took em oudda storage for this grow. the ballasts for the 4 foot 4 bulb were only 40 bucks lol. i replaced it myself an good as new. so in theory i can have these fixtures for a lifetime n just replace ballasts n bulbs as needed.

i love these fuckin lights :D