Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
oh man not cool brotha im sorry to hear about that. Its sad when you get violated that badly that you just honestly cant trust ANYONE anymore and its understandable too. The apartment above mine in vegas blew the line out on the icemaker on the fuckin fridge and flooded their apartment sending water down into my walls. Maintenance came in when i was at the shop getting my last bag of good and i came back started to load up my dads truck as he just pulled up after i finished burnin the last blunt and then the cops showed up as im carrying out boxes of plants and lights HAHAHA.

Long story short 8500 bucks and TWO count em TWO times i had to bail out, i came out with a misdemeanor NEVER again in a state where im not somewhat covered not worth it for me. The bail story is funny though. I had just pulled down a fat batch of sourd off of my first ebb and flow setup on LED's came out real good. It was 3 in the morning or so on his bday and the stuff had just finished curing up for like 3 weeks so i had brought a nice quarter to celebrate. Get a random phone call from some girl i dont know, says she met me at a bar. Now i dont frequent bars, i like to smoke and enjoy a beer or two but not at a bar not the right atmosphere generally for my liking. So im like WTF, my other buddy takes the phone talks to her for a while gives it back to me says its all gravy and shes comin over with friends. Well. I went down to meet her at the corner cuz my other buddy pussied out. I get a gun put to my head and told we takin u back to vegas... Im all WTF i paid my bail followed instructions to the letter. Apparently my bail bonds company was shady and bailing out people that they shouldnt have been or some wierdo shit that got them shut down so i was put up as a flight risk such bullshit lol



i think in need to smoke im going ADD ahhaa


Well-Known Member
And this is my personal coral that i propagated and sent into coralpedia. official lineage is to me and i got to name it. Pretty dorky eh?

Not many guts can say they have their own coral though!!

Miya's Pink Snaowflakes


Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
thats pretty fuckin cool man + rep for that for sure

apparently i gotta spread some more youll get it later lol


Well-Known Member
oh man not cool brotha im sorry to hear about that. Its sad when you get violated that badly that you just honestly cant trust ANYONE anymore and its understandable too. The apartment above mine in vegas blew the line out on the icemaker on the fuckin fridge and flooded their apartment sending water down into my walls. Maintenance came in when i was at the shop getting my last bag of good and i came back started to load up my dads truck as he just pulled up after i finished burnin the last blunt and then the cops showed up as im carrying out boxes of plants and lights HAHAHA.

Long story short 8500 bucks and TWO count em TWO times i had to bail out, i came out with a misdemeanor NEVER again in a state where im not somewhat covered not worth it for me. The bail story is funny though. I had just pulled down a fat batch of sourd off of my first ebb and flow setup on LED's came out real good. It was 3 in the morning or so on his bday and the stuff had just finished curing up for like 3 weeks so i had brought a nice quarter to celebrate. Get a random phone call from some girl i dont know, says she met me at a bar. Now i dont frequent bars, i like to smoke and enjoy a beer or two but not at a bar not the right atmosphere generally for my liking. So im like WTF, my other buddy takes the phone talks to her for a while gives it back to me says its all gravy and shes comin over with friends. Well. I went down to meet her at the corner cuz my other buddy pussied out. I get a gun put to my head and told we takin u back to vegas... Im all WTF i paid my bail followed instructions to the letter. Apparently my bail bonds company was shady and bailing out people that they shouldnt have been or some wierdo shit that got them shut down so i was put up as a flight risk such bullshit lol



i think in need to smoke im going ADD ahhaa
dam!!! you were soooo close to escaping that clusterfuck :(

I am thankful cops never tracked me down but having someone who knew where my shit was at hit me when i was gone killed me. I never could prove who did it and lost bout 5 friends over it due purely to the fact that i couldnt trust them n didnt know who it was :( an its a real fucked feeling knowing someone broke in but I cant call the cops cuz i have a fuckin MJ garden in my house fully illegal :/

thats in my rearview tho, fuck them.

And this is my personal coral that i propagated and sent into coralpedia. official lineage is to me and i got to name it. Pretty dorky eh?

Not many guts can say they have their own coral though!!

Miya's Pink Snaowflakes

some may so dorky but i think thats fuckin amazingly awesome!!!! :D im huge into nature whether its the local woods or the ocean. Thaat lil guy is beautiful :D

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
yes sir at least your safe now keep growin mang. oh yea man i was so damn close HAHA i was literally like minutes from pulling out of there fucking dicks couldnt even let me drive 45 minutes back across the border and i had a MMJ card... fuckin cowboys.

It woulda been worse not knowing who i could trust, as it was i had to do the same thing out there before i started the grow actually TEH SAME DAY i started the grow. When i got back with the plants me and the partner in nevada found out the house had been broken into, we know who did it though even saw the lookout and wondered why he was there, now we know why he was standing there and was on his phone as we pulled in because when i walked into the house 2k worth of glass bongs were loaded into my rifle bag along with a fuckin 12 pack i had in the fridge but they didnt take the 3 grand worth of airsoft guns and the real guns just went after the bongs the beers and my .45 only thing they got away with was my .45 im sure they were sorely disappointed to find out they took the airsoft one and not the real one that goes bang lol. I felt violated after that and they didnt take anything important i can only imagine how devastating that must have been to get home from a trip and be like..... FUCK.......


Well-Known Member
damm myles i didn;t know you got fucked bad like that...there are just some people you cannot trust..>_> so uhh myles i was wondering my car gota uhh..I need to borrow ur car for like 1 week or 2 :blsmoke: LOL

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
lol hahaha i cant help laughing the dog started dreaming right now shes barkin in her sleep so fuckin cute lol hahaahahah what was i gonna say lool i forgot.


Well-Known Member
does she do the full body twitch too like shes dreaming bout chasing something ahhahaha charlies legs will twitch n flail sometimes when he has some intense dreams

nice early day cuz we finished the job. will have pics up soon :)

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
ah nice gotta love it when you finish a job, what you got planned for us today for updates good sir?

lol yea she was chasin something not sure what but lol so funny made me completely blank out. haha i think i need to burn a bowl and excercise my right to be blatantly obvious and not care that im burning in my front yard HAHA, Y you may ask? Because i can hahah and it stops the cops from walking all the way into my back yard and threatening to shoot diamond cuz shes part pit.

Can you believe this? Im with some of my boys a month or two ago, just finished a bag run in the back yard and we were smoking the batch we made the day before, a cop walks into my yard opens the gate unannounced, walks halfway into my yard, now diamonds a friendly lil bitch but like i said shes got a mouth on her and she loves to talk to new people the cop freaked out and pulled his gun ran out the yard slammed the gate, now diamonds sitting at his feet on the other side of the gate from him wagging her tail whining to be petted, he starts yellin at me IMMA SHOOT YOUR FUCKING DOG MAN PUT HER IN THE FUCKING SHEDS IMMA SHOOT YOUR DOG!!!. Now he just walked up on us taking magnifying glass rips of hash out of my bong. I put the dog in the shed, he walks back in tells me hes looking for some doods at an address thats between my house and the neighbors but the address doesnt exist so he claims he came looking for a back house, now if you see my yard you know its the end of the house right there and there was no need for him to be back there much less unnanounced. I showed him my STATE card, not my doctors rec my state of california MMP program card. He high tailed it outa there real quick wouldnt even give me a description of who he was lookin for so i could call if i saw them. He was there to hassle me so now i hassle them and burn in my front yard every chance i get i even wave when they drive by and im holding the bong. Fuckin dicks.

Wow i must be in a bad mood today i think i need to burn and get a lil rasta mood goin on right now im hostile. lol



Well-Known Member
i watched a police raid where they busted the door in with a ram and shot the guys dog dead righ tin front of the dudes whoel family incluidng his lil kid :( the dog was jsut barking at them and hadnt even went after anybody. The man literally burst into tears about his dog as they threw him on the ground and told him to shutup. It broke my fuckin heart man :( cops are tapped

todays update will feature the same girls and their greener appearance as well as ten new nonfem seedlings only 3 of which have popped up through the soil so far.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
mmmmmmmmm seedlings, i like it. Damn man thats terrible im just glad diamond was such a tiny puppy when they raided me in vegas or i know they woulda shot her ass they HATE pits in nevada.


Well-Known Member




kaia kush

blue widow

big bud

heri jack

kings kush


the three sedlings thta have shown so far. should be able to add to this in next day or two as they appear :)



Well-Known Member
they were fed two days ago. they can only green up so fast :p last thing i wanna do is overfeed and have to flush em. Hate that chore hahhaha

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
ug real shit hate flushing soil, so dirty

maybe if you yell at em some, i got into a crazy ass yelling match with the partner the other week lol he didnt understand something i said and he has ADHD so do i and with my aspergers, and i think he has it too but he wont admit it so its like oil and water sometimes lol. But we also work great together cause we got patience for each others bs cuz we got the same shit. Anyways he was holding the widow seed in the cube and yelling at me and like peeling the cube open he never seen a seed germ the way i did it. Point down in a cube and the thing folds out, im sure you know what im talkin about when i say the root folds out of the seed. Anyways he didnt understand thought i put it in upside down and he was like FUCKER THAT WAS MY LAST FEM SEED lol so funny, the seed wasnt crackin and then it came out all sick and strong hahaha

Just go yell at em GREEN THE FUCK UP BITCHES NOW!!! hahah theyll listen


Well-Known Member
hahhahah people forget that seeds been planting themselves for thousands of years without help n they are good at what they do :p


Well-Known Member
hey guys, can you give me your opinions on whether this would be worth the money? I have never used LEDs but I have seen them veg plants very well but fall short in flowering. I have a 4 bulb two foot t5 fixture Im going to use for clones and moms. Felt like a i need more light and figured it might be a good situation to try LEDs.

looking at these: please let me know which you would go with an why. id really appreciate it