Mynorthern Lights seems to have these white hard balls growing on the bud?


Active Member
it happened with one of my older flowering sativas too... but thie NL hasnt been in flower for that long...

its got these white sorta balls inside calyx, not seeds but then again not hairy sacks...

inside is just clear liquid, any ideas what this is? none of the other plants i have had it... just one that flowered for too long???


Active Member
it happened with one of my older flowering sativas too... but thie NL hasnt been in flower for that long...

its got these white sorta balls inside calyx, not seeds but then again not hairy sacks...

inside is just clear liquid, any ideas what this is? none of the other plants i have had it... just one that flowered for too long???
Pictures please.


Active Member
they are in bed right now, will def get pics up tomorrow AM. its really odd its ont he TIPS, unlike seeds which seem to be at the joints


Active Member
ok but the things on the tips opf the buds... they are hard white and oily inside... yeh i guess harvest but theis NL hasnt been in very long?


Active Member
we still need pics i want to see this!
this isnt the northern lights but its got the same semi hard white balls on the ends of the buds... i found this on a bud that im curing.. today...

its not overly hard its squishy and has clear liquid in it... and its more white than green, its inside a green sack.

the pics aint pefect but u get an idea of how they are on the tips of the buds

now. on my northern lights, its all over the bud and even whiter! and the size a lil smaller than BBs...? weird?

or something typical? ill take a picture of the NL tomorow... but i foudn this on a curing bud, but looks similar if a bit larger



Active Member
seeds. sorry man.

Either harvest now and have some seeds to pick out or let them mature and harvest the seeds.

Do you have any males around? Or maybe somebody went hermie...

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
Might as well just let them mature and make hash, and have a bunch of seeds

You'll be amazed how many seeds will develop.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Yep--I spy with my beady eye something beginning with S---dont worry it looks like a decent bud and should be smokeable--looks like a slight case of gender bending (Hermie)


Well-Known Member
Looks like you might of let one of your plants mature a bit longer than it should've.
In turn, it turned hermie on ya and infested the entire garden.
Or, at some point of the blooming stage, something fouled up where it stressed your plants.
Could be anything, power outage, freaky Ph, light leaks, who knows.
I'd just harvest what looks salvageable for smokeable bud.
The rest, dry it up and make hash or butter.
Then start over.
It might be the strain your cutting from...if you are.
If that's the case.
Get some reverse and some penetrator and spray on weeks 1 and 3.
It works for slight cases like yours.


Active Member
yeh i had a sativa stay in ther epretty long and it got these banana peel looking thing on it so i pulled it... im wondering it if developed pollen sack late in bloom and re pollinated all my young plants