Mysterious brown crunchy blotches on my leafs!


Active Member
Hey all thank you for your help. I've been getting these odd brown crunchy spots in the middle of my leafs...and it seems like its "spreading". I was hoping it was just a nutrient problem but after scanning the photographs in that amazing international cannigraphic thread linked in this forum I'm not so sure. Nothing really jumped out to me as being flagrantly similar so I thought I would toss it out to the community here.

Does anyone recognize this?




Well-Known Member
The same thing has been happening to my Lavenders and Black Widow... I've just been cutting off the affected leaves. Hopefully someone knows what the problem is; I checked the Defeciency chapter in Jorge Cervante's Grow Bible and it doesn't look like a nutrient problem to me...


Well-Known Member
could be that your ph is off too and you plant isn't getting the right food uptake


Active Member
Wow thanks everyone, yeah these are my second soil grows and I realized recently that I had been drastically under watering them and underfeeding them. I had thought that just changing my habits would help them snap back... I have been using tap water and have no idea what its PH is... I guess its time to check so I can make sure my babies can intake all the nutes they need.

I had thought that PH wasn't as big of a variable with soil growing (as opposed to hydro where it sounds like you have to constantly monitor it). Thanks again, any other thoughts are more than welcome.


Well-Known Member
It looks like a PH problem the tap water here test at 8.6 and I had that problem through a grow I adjusted my water PH and soil stabilized but it took a while get that cheap PH meterbongsmilie


Active Member
Don't nutrients bring the PH of soil back to an appropriate level of acidity on their own?


Well-Known Member
Don't nutrients bring the PH of soil back to an appropriate level of acidity on their own?
Ive heard soil is a buffer... still you dont want to put water thats ph is too high(ph take a lil time to adjust with buffer)... bloods a buffer too(Are ph needs to be balanced)..... if u took chem class youll kno what a buffer is..... i think your problem is ventillation..... i had a male plant once.... and i did all kind of wierd shit to experiment with it.... and once i cut of the ventillation...and it started getting brown and shriveled.... similar to yours..... it looks like vent... issues.....what kind of fans and where is your grow located..???


Well-Known Member
Don't nutrients bring the PH of soil back to an appropriate level of acidity on their own?
Ive heard soil is a buffer... still you dont want to put water thats ph is too high(ph take a lil time to adjust with buffer)... bloods a buffer too(our ph needs to be balanced)..... if u took chem class youll kno what a buffer is..... i think your problem is ventillation..... i had a male plant once.... and i did all kind of wierd shit to experiment with it.... and once i cut of the ventillation...and it started getting brown and shriveled.... similar to yours..... it looks like vent... issues.....what kind of fans and where is your grow located..???


Active Member
Well the ventilation is crude but I feel like its effective. The space is a converted attic crawl space I painted white. I have a large fan near the door that is blowing ambient air from the attic space in. These plants are constantly being hit with air on all sides but its not like there is a direct vent to fresh outside air... I feel skeptical about that being the problem but then again I'm new to this so who knows.

There are some more interesting leaf discolorations I noticed I'm going to post more pictures when I get home from work... these are a little scarier looking.

Thanks again to everyone tossing out their two cents.


Well-Known Member
hey, I been getting unexplaiuned defficeencies too, I was ph checking my water and it was like 6 or mabry 6.1, that out of faucet. I for some reson checked my water in my grow room from my nutes jar, and it wa 8.0
HMMMM so i checked the waer again it wa 6, so i added 1/4 strenghth shultx 10-15-10 and tested it at 8.2, so I went and got some greenlight from the closet and mixed it up and the ph was 6 after mixing, mabey even 5.9 but keep in mnd one fert can make a ph diff too over another.


Well-Known Member
also I have a theroy that some ppl like me had some good experiances with MG and some bad, I think this prob I had with the fert changing the ph way off was the factor in alot of the cases. Instead of adjusting ph tho I would perfer to gtet a nute that dont swi ng my ph


Well-Known Member
Nutes have a tendency to change PH values, just the way it is. As a rule of thumb I always check / adjust Ph after adding nutes. Another preference I have is checking the runoff after it passes through the soil.

I've only read about horror stories with MG, so I use FoxFarm Oceanforest for my soil.
