Mysterious holes in leaves?


Can someone tell from the picture below what is causing these holes to appear on the leaves?

I've been inspecting the leaves for the past several days, and I can't find a single bug on or under any of the leaves, yet these holes keep appearing.

What's more intriguing is that this plant is surrounded by two smaller seedlings that are completely unharmed! Does that mean it's not a pest?

I suppose it's possible that a pest isn't causing this, but it's also possible that the bugs are either hiding or invisible. I really don't know, so I need RIU's help!

Anyway, here is the picture:
Each hole is outlined by a red box. The four yellow boxes are close-up crops of some of the holes.

Here are some specifications:
  • Strain: Nirvana Short Rider (a short, feminized autoflowering strain)
  • Age: 15 days since it broke soil.
  • Humidity: 30-40%
  • Height: about 6 inches.
  • Medium: 50% Foxfarm Ocean Forest, 25% vermiculite, and 25% perlite.
  • Nutes: None yet.
  • Lighting: Two 6500k CFL's, two 2700k CFL's. 8800 lumens.
  • Temperature: 81-88F.


Well-Known Member
looks like bugs to me...everything else is really healthy looking...just keep an eye out...if it continues you might consider putting up some pest strips, but the damage isn't so bad that it will be detrimental at this point.


Does anyone know exactly what kind of pest is causing this? If so, what is the best way of getting rid of it?

The only pesticide product I have right now is neem oil. Does this mean I have to spray the plant every time new leaves grow? Are there better products I can buy?


Well-Known Member
Wow this is so strange I came on here today because Ive got the same thing going on, just like you not a bug to be found...WTF....


Active Member
could always get some ladybirds they kill spidermite and all the eggs if this is your problem but fuck knows bro neem is good stuff :)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry unless you start seeing massive amounts of damage...especially if you cant find any could have been just some hungry passing bug that has now died...I get those all the time and I don't worry about plants keep going :)


New Member
could it be from leafs moving around from your fan and cutting your leafs for some of the damage but seems theres somekind of leaf eatting catipilar playin in your den
Hey guys with those problems...I also notice with sensitive strains, if you have the plant too close to the light it will do that. if you KNOW for sure you dont have bugs, then just get that light about 2-3 inches further away or if you are wanting to keep the light close then, make sure to drop your temps so that it is between 72F Degrees and no More than 76 Degrees...If you let the temps on the leaves get to about 80 degrees which can even happen with CFLs if u dont have good ventilation, then you can cause these problems. Only time I've let the temps get higher is when you are supplementing the room with Co2...then.. you can sometimes let it go as high as 90F degreezs
Hey Borealis I just read your "Specifications" in my earlier post I gave an answer based on 'my' educated guess...But now that I know what your temps are I'm quite sure its the heat!....Yes true enuff that MJ is a tropical plant and can stand high temps...but if you dont have good air flow then No it cant take that...the leaves will transpire(which is equivalent to sweating) too cool itself off up until it has exuded all the moisture it can.... then you get what you are experiencing... I'd water that girly and get yourself a fan.