Mystery precipitate - ice?


Well-Known Member
Hey folks,

Just trying to wrap my head around something that is occurring during my BHO evaporative stage. I blast butane through an ABS tube with a fitting for a stainless mesh and then coffee filter stage. I’ve started seeing a precipitate that starts bubbling wildly when my blast is done. Typically when I use two XL cans of butane... it appears like a frozen hunk of wax. When it is removed with a fork, it eventually melts and looks like very dark blackish oil. Darker than the main batch. Any guesses? Is it frozen water around a particle... nucleating ice crystal? Alternatively, I thought it may be precipitating waxes due to the abundance of liquid butane? I kinda thought, “hey, maybe I’m dewaxing during my Evap”. But that would probably be naive of me.

What gives?

P.s. that debris you see in black is under the Pyrex in the water bath dish. That’s why you get for removing wet dish and setting on ground outside when changing baths.


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I've had that once or twice and just summed it up to being ice as I had a few water droplets hit my vat (was snowing at the time).

Other than that, idk ‍♂️
I've seen these waxy chunking bits throughout blasting flower. Once you begin to purge it is no longer an issue.
Maybe there's a lot of isobutane in your butane. Isobutane can form solids, called hydrates, unlike regular butane. My advice is never use anything with a lot of isobutane it. Maybe it gets purged out, maybe not, IDK. But considering that butane extracts are consistently in the 70% THCA range, why the hell would you even want to do a butane extraction and produce a sh*t product? Sane people do frozen extraction with pharmaceutical grade isopropanol. Is your butane pharmaceutical grade? Hell no, nowhere close. Butane extraction is so dirty that you actually have to redissolve it in ethanol and freeze it anyway, so why did you even go to all that trouble and potential gruesome death? You can just walk into a goddamn drugstore and buy pure iso and you can also say screw you to the vacuum equipment dealers.

Also you have to wash the extract with deionized water, otherwise it will only be about 70% THCA and the rest will be pretty much raw sewage. How many commercial weed concentrates have been washed? I'd say right around zero, considering I'm the only person on Earth who does it. That's why all those peoples' concentrates are low THCA, often gooey and always harsh as fuk. Amateur hour. The stuff don't get white unto AFTER you wash the sh*t out, which is exactly why nobody else's stuff is white. You can actually see it turning whiter as you wash it. On a large chunk the outside will be a light gold color, but inside or even the outside of a small piece is completely white, has a very nice aroma and is not at all harsh.

I know some people here will say "you washed out all the terps or evaporated them when you dried the product out in a hot glass bowl by working it around with a spoon until it had the consistency of sugar cookie dough". Well, it smells exactly like every other commercial extract to me, actually kind of hashy when you spread some out between your fingers. Some people are terp obsessed for some reason. It's actually pretty hard to get rid of terps. You would have to expose it to air, in a thin layer like varnish, for a few days for that to happen. Hot drying it for maybe 10 minutes apparently doesn't evaporate much at all. No more than vacuum purging with heat does.
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I use Whip-it. My extract comes out tasting great, and haven’t been more happy. Was just wondering about this precipitate...

I don’t like that tone though, ignored. What a clown.
I used to use whip-it but switched to Colibri. When i used whip it, the coils in my vaporizer used to get all gunked up. My guess is from the butane impurities. Since using Colibri I haven't had that issue.
Butane comes from refining heavy crude oil, like the kind that comes from the tar sands in Alberta Canada. What that black stuff is... is in fact ice that has collected and solidified miniscule bits of the left over crude oil. No matter how "pure" your butane is, it is never 100% so... this happens.

Btw, that left over crude can never be "purged" you are blasting that shit all over your bud and the trichs, perfect sponges, will retain a significant amount of it. And you end up smoking it. Over time it will have a nasty effect on your nervous system, consistent with symptoms derived from other petroleum products.
Butane comes from refining heavy crude oil, like the kind that comes from the tar sands in Alberta Canada. What that black stuff is... is in fact ice that has collected and solidified miniscule bits of the left over crude oil. No matter how "pure" your butane is, it is never 100% so... this happens.

Btw, that left over crude can never be "purged" you are blasting that shit all over your bud and the trichs, perfect sponges, will retain a significant amount of it. And you end up smoking it. Over time it will have a nasty effect on your nervous system, consistent with symptoms derived from other petroleum products.
Take your tinfoil hat off bud. Nothing on this earth is pure, including the air you breathe.

How are my buds going To absorb it all yet it’s also In my oils. At least make sense if you’re going to throw shade on butane extractions. Fuck outta here.
Take your tinfoil hat off bud. Nothing on this earth is pure, including the air you breathe.

How are my buds going To absorb it all yet it’s also In my oils. At least make sense if you’re going to throw shade on butane extractions. Fuck outta here.
I'm in the petro industry. Thanks for making my point. Nothing is pure. You have no idea...
Do some reading on the effects of butane on the nervous system. If you smoke BHO regularly ... youre in for some future pain
I'm in the petro industry. Thanks for making my point. Nothing is pure. You have no idea...
Do some reading on the effects of butane on the nervous system. If you smoke BHO regularly ... youre in for some future pain
So, tell me why you’re in the concentrate thread? Just to be annoying or what? That’s nice that you’re in the petroleum industry, that means shit, you could be a rigger for all I know. Get off your high horse, and fuck off? No one asked your opinion on how clean you feel everyone’s extractions are.

Do some reading on the effects of environmental pollution, cars, chemicals, food and water.
To put this in the most contrasting way I can, butane is harmful, but I’ve also seen a guy who used to huff it go through medical school with flying colors. Be cautious, don’t be deathly afraid of extremely minute quantities of butane. Chances are you’ve breathed in hundreds of times more carcinogens waiting in traffic.

If you don’t want to take the chance of inhaling butane, don’t. But this is a concentrate thread specifically talking about that.
So, tell me why you’re in the concentrate thread? Just to be annoying or what? That’s nice that you’re in the petroleum industry, that means shit, you could be a rigger for all I know. Get off your high horse, and fuck off? No one asked your opinion on how clean you feel everyone’s extractions are.

Do some reading on the effects of environmental pollution, cars, chemicals, food and water.
There are other types of concentrates.
Anyway... i answered a question for the OP.

You're the one jumping down my throat because you dont like what im saying. Well... youre the one with the problem so why dont you fuck off?

Im not saying smoking bho from time to time is bad. Im saying smoking it regularly will have serious side effects eventually. Dont believe me... go do some reading...