Mystik newbie here


Active Member
I'm into my roughly 5th attempt to grow some plants here. I've been pouring over this site for a couple of weeks, having recently started 3 little plants and having two of them fall over and die. This site saved the third which is very healthy looking right now :)
Dropped the light closer and added a little soil to cover some of the extremely long stem and it's pretty much picture perfect from what I can tell now. Pictures will be forth coming when I get some new batteries for camera.
Needless to say my greatest concern here is the obvious. I had three plants to start with which I thought would pretty much give me one female unless I was unlucky. Now that I am left with only one plant I am desperate to know what sex it is. I have read many slightly conflicting things concerning when I'll finally be able to tell it's sex. (though I do understand HOW to tell them apart) So that's my biggest pressing question at the moment. At what age roughly can I expect the development of those signs?
Anyhow, that brings things up to speed, thanks to you guys for saving my one baby though.

I have some more seeds though I don't know how many I can expect to sprout as they are from random sources. I have such limited room to work with I don't want to start another attempt until I know about this plant one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
well you could always keep the plant you have thats still healthy, growing and keep it as your mother plant... all you have to do from there is take a cutting, clone it, veg it till it sprouts roots then stick it in your flowering room. this way you can keep your mother plant growing to it full maturity and you can figure out the sex of your plant. to tell the difference is quite simple. female plants will grow long white hairs from the center of its leaves when it buds... if its a male plant, then it will grow ball sacks. the ballsacks look like grapes. if you find you DO have a male remove it from your flowering room asap so that the room doesnt get covered in pollen. the pollen will turn your other plants hermie! good luck and lets see sum pics soon!

p.s. - run a fan on medium in both your veg and flower room.. this will encourage strength in the plants stem to prevent it from weeping over!


Active Member
When I say limited space I really mean it, my original thought was that I would have to remove one of the plants due to sex even if I was lucky because the space I'm working with will only hold two reasonably healthy adult plants. Honestly it could be getting more fresh air, since it's a closet grow I keep the door open with a small 10" fan blowing air in there as often as I'm able. Which is always during the night and we'll say about half of the day. I have an AC unit just for this room so temperature at least is kept constant and from what I've read within the preferred range.
I was almost expecting complete failure again the best I've ever done is about a 2 week old seedling that died mysteriously, meaning I still don't know what killed it even after attempting to educate myself this time around completely mystified about the demise of that plant. Even though it's slightly tall this one looks healthy, but I will need to do some engineering with my space before I can attempt a second seedling project while this plant is still growing. I have shelves to work with, I'm just limited on lighting, though I plan on putting a full size florescent fixture on a lift in the closet within the next week here. I'm relatively poor so I'm working with what I have access to for lighting, which is the cfl's I'm using on the seedlings, and the larger fixture I plan on using for the juvenile and adult plants. I do plan on proper lighting in the long should I finally prove capable at growing though.