N deficiency


Active Member
hello growers of the world , CG is here:leaf:

i have these two clones , week 3 into flowering , and they both have what seems to be a nitrogen deficiency. (lower leaves turning yellow)
i flushed (one of them) , like every other deficiencies solution.
and then i saw on some deficiencies website , that i shouldnt flushed to correct N deficiency, but i do need to add more N .
i didnt know that and i already flushed her and gave her the dosage of nute's that i gave her until today, at the end of the flushing.

now i wonder if the problem will become stronger , and if so - what should i do to currect it after what i've done ?
if in a few days the yellowing will continue to spread for example...

thanks in advance ,


Well-Known Member
Pix would help lower yellowing is normal towards the end of flower not week 3 imho did u transition them correctly.?? Put a few seabirds pellets which r hi in n, and p so u won't over n in bloom and still add a boost just dnt over do it i add 3pellets to 3gal pot in transition and around week 3 or 4 along with my regular program


Active Member
Just give some N (veg) nutes..
the yellow leaves are already fell off.

im using organic nute's , Bio-Nova PK for flowering , and Bio-nova soil supermix ,
and right now , according to their chart - im using almost the max amount of the soil supermix , 4ml on every 1L of water(the Max is 5ml).
the NPK ratio is 5-2-4 .


New Member
if you have a deficiency i would flush your plant then wait for it to fully dry up before you go adding more nutes .


Well-Known Member
if you have a deficiency i would flush your plant then wait for it to fully dry up before you go adding more nutes .
Why on Earth would you Flush to combat a deficiency? The whole concept of flushing is to R-E-M-O-V-E stuff that you don't want.

For the OP, if you want to add Nitrogen, the quickest way I know is Alaska Fish Emulsion (5-1-1). It takes "Zero" time to break down, so it's available immediately (and, it's cheap!).


New Member
T.H.Cammo, is the flushing really a function of using soil? I use the House and Garden produce, Cocos and it states "Our Cocos A/B is extremely pure ensuring no salty buildup in your organic medium.".............I am a new grower....received all the equipment from someone who upgraded their GO and also gave me some chemicals. I am feeling my way around in the dark. I was told to use the coco fiber and a bit of potting soil. I will look iinto the Alaska Fish Emulsion....thank you and good times:-P


Well-Known Member
you flush to combat a def cause it's could be a def from a ph lock so you want to restart the system.

Oops, my bad! I hadn't considered that. I've always considered maintaining a proper pH as a "Prime Directive"; so it never even occured to me.


Well-Known Member
T.H.Cammo, is the flushing really a function of using soil?:-P
Not neccesarilly! If one maintains a proper "overall pH" (soil, water and nutrients), and uses "Organic" or "Primarily Organic" nutes, flushing may not be needed (or even helpful). On the other hand; lots of people use Chemical nutes and all sorts of "Extra Additives" that probably should be flushed out at some point.

I'm sure that some folks will have different ideas and say that the act of flushing itself (for no other reason) is a technique that should be used. I swing the other way "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". I use Organic Soil (a soil mix with "Long Lasting" organic nutes mixed in), so in my case, flushing is just destructive. I look at flushing as something you should only do if you have to!


Well-Known Member
Yup..I goofed. When you have a def always thing why. pH, nutes, nutes locking others out.


Active Member
Not neccesarilly! If one maintains a proper "overall pH" (soil, water and nutrients), and uses "Organic" or "Primarily Organic" nutes, flushing may not be needed (or even helpful). On the other hand; lots of people use Chemical nutes and all sorts of "Extra Additives" that probably should be flushed out at some point.

I'm sure that some folks will have different ideas and say that the act of flushing itself (for no other reason) is a technique that should be used. I swing the other way "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". I use Organic Soil (a soil mix with "Long Lasting" organic nutes mixed in), so in my case, flushing is just destructive. I look at flushing as something you should only do if you have to!
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