N-P deficiency?

after a lot of reading I am fairly sure I have an N-P deficiency, though it never hurts to get a second opinion. Especially considering this is my first grow. Shes a berry Ryder Auto at 19 days today. In 50% Mg Organic 50% perlite, a very knowledgeable member advised me that I would need to start giving nutes around this time ( Maybe a little earlier but I was waiting for my Tea to ferment) as the soil would be running out of nutes. Lights are clfs 18/6. Anyways ill let the pics speak for themselves.
Day 17 - 20130902_182300.jpg Day 18- Noticed that growth over the last three days hasn't been as rapid and slight yellowing of lower leaves, So I added in some Fish Bone Meal tea (6-12-0) mixed at 1-10 20130903_175147.jpg 20130903_175213.jpg Day 19 (today) oddly enough today I woke up to find she had sprouted her first pistils. 20130904_114344.jpg 20130904_165244.jpg

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member

Everything looks FINE! That's a "starter" leaf and they die off about now to make room for the serious "worker" leaves.

I see NO tox or def anywhere!!!

Tea feeding? Good man!

Some auto's can be quite fussy about feeding......start at around 1/4 strength nutes right now and increase to 1/2 at 30 days. Increase again at say 5-10 day increments, being mindful that it may "like" it faster....so keep an eye on that and adjust as needed.....
It's easier to add more then to have done to much and try to step back...

Good Luck

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Does not look to be of much concern at this point. But I'll ask a couple of questions to be sure.
Whats the temp range while the lights are on?
Water/feed how often/how much?
I water every 3 days ish, Ph always around 6.5(hard to know exactly because I'm using test strips and not a digital ) for the first 10 days my temps we're 85-90. Then I changed things around started bringing the air from outside. They've ranged from 75 - 80 lights on after doing that. And in the low 60s lights off. First nutes were given today( day 19) the powder I made my fish meal tea from said 6-12-0 and I fermented it for a week, then diluted that mixture at 1-10

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Temps good.

Hmm, not bad. The P maybe a tic or two high this early. I might add a Kelp extract to boost the K and maybe some alfalfa meal for K and some microbe action too (molasses will help the microbes and some micro nutes)....
How are you "fermenting" your tea? For a week,,,kinda long but ok....

I run microbe teas, I call them "POOP" tea as they contain Bat, Bird and Worm "poop" along with alfalfa meal, Kelp extract (I use a liquid but dry works too) and molasses.
In the winter, I'll run some synthetics and some DWC to achieve specific goals. All the while the main grow is organic!

Feed your soil and the soil will feed your plants.

As far as watering goes. Water as you would but let the soil dry down to 1 inch deep before watering. That should cover any over/under troubles.

Keep notes and look back on them often.

Have Fun.
I fermented by putting it in a mason jar for a week ( got that from the organic feeding 101 sticky in the organics section ) this morning I noticed more dropping and now brown spots have appeared on 2 leaves and stems are turning purple. I'll post pics later when I get off work

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I fermented by putting it in a mason jar for a week ( got that from the organic feeding 101 sticky in the organics section ) this morning I noticed more dropping and now brown spots have appeared on 2 leaves and stems are turning purple. I'll post pics later when I get off work
Add a CalMag supplement at like 5ml per gallon. General Hydroponics has an organic line - they have an Organic CalMag if your concerned about straying from the "O" fold.
I might add that kelp extract and alfalfa meal if I were you to help "balance" your tea.
Alright this is what she looks like today. first two are from this morning , the rest are about 9 hours later. last pic shows that the newer growth doesn't seem to be affected. 20130905_092808.jpg 20130905_092815.jpg20130905_185323.jpg20130905_185329.jpg20130905_185338.jpg
Add a CalMag supplement at like 5ml per gallon. General Hydroponics has an organic line - they have an Organic CalMag if your concerned about straying from the "O" fold.
I might add that kelp extract and alfalfa meal if I were you to help "balance" your tea.
I've got some alfalfa tea fermenting now, about 4 days in now. Is there a better/ quicker to make it? I'm doing the same as with the fish bone meal. leaving it in a mason jar for a week


Active Member
solution: dolomite lime.. organics decompose to very acidic conditions. use a tsp of lime mixed with water to keep it in check, only 1 dose every month or so. make sure to flush after with 7pH water. Dolo lime has all the cal and mag you will ever need.