“N-P-K of Everything”

This is pretty cool. I fucking new pet hair had NPK but I always told people Calcium (as a joke).

Lots of things are off and each company is slight different/// Still really cool.
Who is throwing starfish in their soil though?
Poor starfish :blsmoke:

I guess if you live on an island and you can't amazon shop then the starfish must die.

I wonder if Sand Dollars have NPK

I wouldn't put too much faith in many of those values. The NPK is not an exact number. There are many different factors that determine the NPK of organic matter. Location, soil type, soil fertility, etc...

For instance:

"Mud (fresh water): 1.37/0.26/0.22
Mud (harbour): 0.99/0.77/0.05
Mud (salt): 0.4.0/0"

There is no way those numbers are going to be the same from river to river or ocean to ocean. It's going to depend on the location. The mud on rivers that get agricultural runoff is going to vary widely as far as NPK is concerned.

They have alfalfa listed at 3-1-2 but the 40lb bag of alfalfa I bought says 2.5-0-2.5. Their insect frass is 3-1-1 yet DTE insect frass is 4-3-2 and there is 2-2-2 as well.

Some like ground crab which is crab meal is listed at 10-0-0. The crab meal from DTE is 4-3-0.

As far as fruit NPK goes that's going to depend on the same things I've already mentioned as well as different varieties of fruits are going to have different sugar content which will also affect the NPK as will plants grown in soils deficient of various nutrients or rich in various nutrients.

You can't make a list of NPK values and assume the NPK of X=Y. It's not always a constant value. Some will always be close but others will vary significantly.
Well that took a sharp turn.

With a name like shatter scam you must have some BHO to blast through some herms..
Might want to stop toaster stroodling your plants.

Thanks @xtsho you say it much better
I wouldn't put too much faith in many of those values. The NPK is not an exact number. There are many different factors that determine the NPK of organic matter. Location, soil type, soil fertility, etc...

For instance:

"Mud (fresh water): 1.37/0.26/0.22
Mud (harbour): 0.99/0.77/0.05
Mud (salt): 0.4.0/0"

There is no way those numbers are going to be the same from river to river or ocean to ocean. It's going to depend on the location. The mud on rivers that get agricultural runoff is going to vary widely as far as NPK is concerned.

They have alfalfa listed at 3-1-2 but the 40lb bag of alfalfa I bought says 2.5-0-2.5. Their insect frass is 3-1-1 yet DTE insect frass is 4-3-2 and there is 2-2-2 as well.

Some like ground crab which is crab meal is listed at 10-0-0. The crab meal from DTE is 4-3-0.

As far as fruit NPK goes that's going to depend on the same things I've already mentioned as well as different varieties of fruits are going to have different sugar content which will also affect the NPK as will plants grown in soils deficient of various nutrients or rich in various nutrients.

You can't make a list of NPK values and assume the NPK of X=Y. It's not always a constant value. Some will always be close but others will vary significantly.
Well said. I totally agree.

The bat guano npk they list is also meaningless. Some guano has no N, some has no P. And at lots of different levels depending on many things.
Well that took a sharp turn.

With a name like shatter scam you must have some BHO to blast through some herms..
Might want to stop toaster stroodling your plants.

Thanks @xtsho you say it much better
I don't have shit at the moment and as an addict it's pretty miserable. I go into a manic state. Fortunately i may cultivate up to a pound of my own by harvest but that's quite a ways off. Also others have tried to play this down and say I will get nowhere near a pound, but alas I care not what the naysayers say.

Edit: Let's be smart about this. Let's do the math. 9 shoots with 16-24" of buds, split 524 grams by 9 and you get about 50. So i'd need 50 grams per stalk. Hmmm
This is pretty cool. I fucking new pet hair had NPK but I always told people Calcium (as a joke).

Lots of things are off and each company is slight different/// Still really cool.
Who is throwing starfish in their soil though?
Guaranteed someone on this site.
Well I never though of it but I do get a load of seaweed for the compost pile once a year or so after a big storm. Definitely on the lookout for starfish now but it'd take a pretty big colony of them to produce a noticeable amount in my compost. I must have some in there now as they're up on the beach with the seaweed after a storm anyway and I never sort anything out of it except for rocks and big sticks.
I don't have shit at the moment and as an addict it's pretty miserable. I go into a manic state. Fortunately i may cultivate up to a pound of my own by harvest but that's quite a ways off. Also others have tried to play this down and say I will get nowhere near a pound, but alas I care not what the naysayers say.

Edit: Let's be smart about this. Let's do the math. 9 shoots with 16-24" of buds, split 524 grams by 9 and you get about 50. So i'd need 50 grams per stalk. Hmmm

Now I'm not a specialist. But I am a human.

I feel you. Your status posts were a bit much earlier so I'm going to send it.

The moment you stop looking downwardly, considering yourself an addict is the moment you will be free.
If you're looking to the future calculating how many grams you will have to smoke, you are missing lot's wonderful things in the now.

You're young. Find yourself. Don't hide yourself behind dry humor :blsmoke:
Now I'm not a specialist. But I am a human.

I feel you. Your status posts were a bit much earlier so I'm going to send it.

The moment you stop looking downwardly, considering yourself an addict is the moment you will be free.
If you're looking to the future calculating how many grams you will have to smoke, you are missing lot's wonderful things in the now.

You're young. Find yourself. Don't hide yourself behind dry humor :blsmoke:
I only smoke because I don't get laid. And I'm sorry but no, I'm not young. Far too old to not be getting laid. I love dry and sick humor because I have no soul. My quest to become practically perfect in every way so that I can get laid sucked the soul out of me.

I digress, continue the discussion of NPK in various household items.
I only smoke because I don't get laid. And I'm sorry but no, I'm not young. Far too old to not be getting laid. I love dry humor because I have no soul.

If not for you then for someone else.

I should have sent it in a message. This is what I get for smoking too much :lol: