

Well-Known Member
My sprouts are about four days old and they all have red stems. I've been doing a bit of research on this topic and apparently this is caused by an N-P-K deficiency? Other then that they seem to be doing fine. I'm growing in soil. It consists of Sphagnum Peat Moss, Scott's Potting Soil, and Perlite. My soils ph read 7.0-7.2 last time I checked it. The water I'm giving them has a ph of 7.0. I got plenty of light on them as well.

Also, I've been reading mixed answers on when to feed your plants nutes. Some say wait three weeks. Some people say wait till the first set of leaves appear (seems a bit early to me). And some say wait till there's at least four sets of leaves.

What do you guys think?
Deficiency's And Over Ferting Can Look The Same For Some Instances.....every Thing Sounds Good To Me,,,,but The Ph It Seems Abit High,,,might Think 6 In The Ph Zone,,,,just My Thoughts......dbb.:):):) Any Pic's.....??
i would wait til the plants are about 2-3 weeks old
and you might want to lower the ph of your water and soil just a tad to mayb 6.5
My thoughts exactly, but what I don't get is how can they already suffer from a deficiency? They are so young. I guess maybe since my ph is so high, they aren't getting the proper nutes?
My thoughts exactly, but what I don't get is how can they already suffer from a deficiency? They are so young. I guess maybe since my ph is so high, they aren't getting the proper nutes?
The color is fine. Dont over analize them. If the leaves are green and growing then its all good. give them nutes about 2 weeks after ya transplant them in there final container.
In The Books Ive Read Diff And Over Nuting Are A Hard Call....with A High Ph At 7 The Babies I Feel Lean More To Over Nuting...just My Thoughts.....dbb.
And I Agree With Db....its A Weed....dont Over Think It....ive Been See Alot Of Post About Simm Issues,,, It Just Is......leaf Is A Better Sign Giver To Plant Health Than Stock Or Stems....again Just M. T. Dbb.
Yea I suppose you guys are right. I am over analyzing everything since this is my first time at a successful grow - so far!

Thanks for all the input. Smoke on!

During My First Grow I Was The Same,,,prob. Even Worse Its My Medicine,,,gota Have It....but I Didn't Have This Forum.....i Had A Book....dude Your Gonna Make It Sweet......!!! One For All And All About The Buds....dbb.:)
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