N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow


Well-Known Member
Man I can't believe I stumbled upon this!

Resident of the Couve, studying for next season. Rep+, inspired, awed, and subscribed!! :clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Waz up riz? Hell, I was just pulling another tick off and LOL wonderin what you were up to. Ha

Rock on man.



Well-Known Member
Waz up riz? Hell, I was just pulling another tick off and LOL wonderin what you were up to. Ha

Rock on man.

Hey, what up Slab!! I've been a little busy tending my gardens, but I'm gonna be postin updates here soon. Have you looked at my little scrog setup yet? Let me know whatcha think!!

Sucky on another tick bro. Suck and suck. Suckin up all you can suckin up all you can suck. Workin up under my patience like a little tick. Fat little parasite......


Damn, haven't figured this out yet. Hey Slab, how do you post a video from you tube on here, like you did with Disturbed? And I dig it by the way, thanks bro!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Man I can't believe I stumbled upon this!

Resident of the Couve, studying for next season. Rep+, inspired, awed, and subscribed!! :clap::clap:
Big J, what up bro!! The Couve; that's where my twins live!! Right on!! I miss Portland for sure. Damn.:evil:

Thank's for the props my friend!! Stay tuned, and get ready for next year!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
What up everyone!! So I've got a new round of pics for ya. I don't know what the fuck it's like everywhere else, but it's been hot here. Damn hot, at least for here. Seattle broke heat records this past week, and it's been mid-90's or better here. Fuckin sweatin my ass off!!

Alright, done complainin. Suck it up and do work!!

Shit's gettin big, that's all I can say. My tallest is over 7', and a number of them are over 5', and they are all bushing out really well. Slugs haven't been as active in this heat, so that's a bonus, but they're gettin 5 gallons of water apiece now in this fuckin heat. I had one slightly droopy plant, but that's it. I'm hopin 5 will be enough, anyway. I know that's more than i've watered on my previous guerilla grows, but the plants can't seem to get enough. I've got 28 plants in these 3 areas ( I killed the frankenstein plant yesterday, bye bye!! ) So, 5 x 28 = 140 gallons of water. All hauled by hand in gallon milk jugs over some pretty rugged terrain. In 90 degree heat. Fuckin dedicated, feelin me? I LOVE WEED!!!!!!!

Anway, here's some pics. Feel free to comment!!

I'll throw up a couple of nice ones, and out the rest in a filmstrip, cool?



Well-Known Member
I got a shit load of pics again!!! so i'm just gonna keep postin!!!! Hahahaha............................................

This is the rest from this area. I forgot to take pics of a couple of them, oh well.



Well-Known Member
Dude, those girls are HUGE!!!! A true inspiration. Im hooked on your updates bro, those pictures are great!!! :clap:

btw, did you ever get that youtube embeding figured out? Here is how I do it.

First, copy the url link
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTsGg6t1dIE <---- URL link

Everything after watch?v= is the video code
ZTsGq6t1dIe <------ VIDEO CODE

Just add the youtube tags [youtube ] video code [/youtube ] <------ youtube tags

[ youtube ]ZTsGg6t1dIE[ /youtube ] <------ Just like this, but NO SPACES




Well-Known Member
Hmmmm.............for some reason it won't let me post any more pics; coming back with some Internet Explorer error message. Oh well, I'll try to put up some more later.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Big J, what up bro!! The Couve; that's where my twins live!! Right on!! I miss Portland for sure. Damn.:evil:

Thank's for the props my friend!! Stay tuned, and get ready for next year!!!:peace:
Awesome man small world!

Pictures just look amazing. I cannot wait to give this a try!

I need to find a spot...Hope your weekend is goin well bro! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Dude, those girls are HUGE!!!! A true inspiration. Im hooked on your updates bro, those pictures are great!!! :clap:

btw, did you ever get that youtube embeding figured out? Here is how I do it.

First, copy the url link
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTsGg6t1dIE <---- URL link

Everything after watch?v= is the video code
ZTsGq6t1dIe <------ VIDEO CODE

Just add the youtube tags [youtube ] video code [/youtube ] <------ youtube tags

[ youtube ]ZTsGg6t1dIE[ /youtube ] <------ Just like this, but NO SPACES



What up BigToe!!! Thank's for stoppin in again!! Yeah, for sure some of 'em are gettin pretty big. Now I'm actually startin to worry a little. First, I know I'm gonna have to stake the shit out of them, and I haven't decided if I should do one strong, tall stake that supports the central stalk(s), and them run stringers out to all the main branches, or put a few stakes around the plants and pretty much wrap the whole damn thing. Time versus effort versus providing adequate support.

Second, I really need to build a drying room. I know it's early yet, and I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but I also don't want to be left scramblin come harvest time. Alot of people fuck a good grow up at that point, but I'm not the one, know what I'm sayin? IF they bud as well as they grow, and I successfully pull in the harvest, I'm gonna need to be ready with the right space and environment for a SHITLOAD OF WEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha:mrgreen:

And thank's for dialin me in on the video posting BT!! Good lookin out bro!!I'm still a little confused though.........you said copy link, then add youtube tags. Are you adding that stuff to the complete url link, do you use those parentheses things or was that for illustration, and then what do you do with it? Upload it as attachment, or just paste link in post or what? Sorry bro, I'm high:eyesmoke::peace:


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Yes you will. I have the same issue. Exept I have a place to dry. It's the trimming that becomes the real task. I will most likely take my vacation late october and trim as many to all fan leaves of in the bush. I'll try to trim some outside but realisticaly I can't do them all. Transport to the drying location and get my trim on. If I have to I will hang and dry then trim. Not my favorite way to do it but it can be done.


Well-Known Member
thats why the forest smelled like weed when i was a kid ( hehe ) nice Guerilla Grow you have growing there and you look like a strong young man that can handel caring all that water to the site :) i will be watching this post great job. jeff


Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics of the 3rd area. Lookin pretty good I'm thinkin!!

Here's a shot of the droopy ones. They got watered good!!

So, that's it for this week. I'm pretty pleased with the progress, and I can only hope for more good fortune.................Thank's for watchin!!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
If this aint some shit, I don't know what is. This deer went up the side of this hill like it was nothin. Gone in 6 seconds. You don't really get the scope from the pic but that slope was a good 100-150 ft. high, and steep as fuck. That pic only shows maybe the top 1/4 of the slope.

Goddamn deer!




Well-Known Member
Yes you will. I have the same issue. Exept I have a place to dry. It's the trimming that becomes the real task. I will most likely take my vacation late october and trim as many to all fan leaves of in the bush. I'll try to trim some outside but realisticaly I can't do them all. Transport to the drying location and get my trim on. If I have to I will hang and dry then trim. Not my favorite way to do it but it can be done.
Hey NEL!! Good that you have a place already. I'm probably gonna build a big box, say 7x7x7, with lots of string lines, probably with a smaller can fan & filter stickin outta the top, something like that anyway. Might not be big enough!!! Hahaha Yeah, I haven't decided what I'm gonna do yet in regards to trimming. Probably gonna be doin a lot of cooking and hash making also so I might just save everything. Get a washing machine and do it up proper!!! And for sure, waiting to trim until the leaves have dried and curled up against the buds is a pain in the ass! Been there before, not goin' back. I'm not worried about transport; once I cut 'em it's in the bag. Cops can fuck off. I'm legal bitches!!! If I don't really want to press the issue, i'll just bring home 15 plants at a time and they can't say shit!! "Sir, do you know why I pulled you overrrrrrrrrrrhhhholyyyyy shit, what do you have in your car? I'm gonna need you to step out of your vehicle please!!" " And I'm gonna need you to back up off my shit asshole!!! Read the fucking law. Oh, you don't know it completely, well here's a fucking copy dickshit. Peruse it at your leisure. I'm legal. Just like goin down to the corner store to get a 40 of Old E. Fucktooth. Have a nice life. "

Something like that anyway. I might cuss more!!! Hahaha Clownin. :blsmoke::peace:

thats why the forest smelled like weed when i was a kid ( hehe ) nice Guerilla Grow you have growing there and you look like a strong young man that can handel caring all that water to the site :) i will be watching this post great job. jeff
Thank's Worble on the compliments! Glad you could make it! I don't know about young though, I'm almost 40, and I feel it more an' more. I still have the will to do everything I want to, but after 30, seems the recovery time for my body gets longer and longer. Fuck it. Life's short, and pain is relative. I'M GROWIN WEED!!! Hahaha:mrgreen:

How many confirmed females you got?
Back so soon!!! Check this NEL, they are ALL female. No ballsacks here. I don't play that way. Only sweet, fine, thick ladies. I'm talkin thuroughbred dime bitches. Can you dig that shit?:weed:


Well-Known Member
excellent work man .... the gardens look great .... I wonder if it has a displeasing taste to a browser like a deer .... like in another thread someonee mentioned the top being taken but little else. I suppose it might just be a matter of taste ..... anyhow, good on ya! you make this "hobby" proud like no tomorrow ... Walk On!!~~~


Well-Known Member
excellent work man .... the gardens look great .... I wonder if it has a displeasing taste to a browser like a deer .... like in another thread someonee mentioned the top being taken but little else. I suppose it might just be a matter of taste ..... anyhow, good on ya! you make this "hobby" proud like no tomorrow ... Walk On!!~~~

Thank's Tahoe! The gardens do look great don't they? Ha! I do my best anyway.

As for the deer, ya know, it's kinda weird. They haven't touched my stuff this year at all, and it's almost past the time when they will for any reason. I'm pretty sure THC is the plant's natural defense mechanism, and once they start producing some trich's, the animals don't seem to fuck with them anymore. And yeah, it seems from past times, the deer usually took just a bite or two before they found they didn't have the palate for it. It was the rabbits that would eat a plant down to the ground. All ya gotta do is look at the poo. Fuzzy bastards.

I'm Walkin'!!!!!!:bigjoint: