N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow

Just saying hi. And dam fine grow. If i didnt move into town id be trying a guerilla grow right now. quite impressive ive never actually seen one with such great pics. been subscribed for a few days now and just finished reading everything. Im in the NW btw too. kinda end of the world area though. anyways im hooked.+rep

Marti, what up bro!!! Thank's for the kind words!! I try my best, and that's all I can do, the rest is up to genetics and Mother Nature! Yeah, NW has it's pro's and con's, but I'd rather live here than just about anywhere else in the country though. It's very beautiful, and very clean, and not an assload of people like some places.

Thank's for droppin in!! I'll be updating through harvest so stick around and watch it all unfold!!:weed:
more likely Senior Executive responsible for Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) of Crystal Development. LOL! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

LOL.... thanks man..... I just try to help if I can.... ;) ...... wait are you saying Im a qaqc (Kack) lol..... :-P ....... :weed:

Fuckin dirty hippy!!!!!!!!!!! I can smell you from here!! Hahahaha

I know...... every where I go people say "dude, could smell you before you even walked in!" Even my sweat smells like ganja..... dank skunky ganja.... maybe that why I like to work outside and sweat.... lol....

looking forward to flowering pics very much I am!!
Alright, weekly update and some new pics for ya! Everything is still looking excellent, and growing about half a foot or so a week. A couple are close to 9 ft now!! Plants are just starting to turn, now they need to start packin on some weight!! Startin to stake them up, and will probably have to tie up each branch, so it will be a process and we'll just have to do some each week. The weather's been up and down, rain and sun both in the last week, which is probably just what they need at this point. I'm definately not complainin!!

Like I said, I'm gonna start postin fewer pics cause there's just too many, and I have way too much shit to do right now.

I'm in the process of settin up a pretty big indoor op right now so I will have somethin goin on after the outdoor harvest. Here's a link to the thread I started in the Growroom design forum, 8-12 1000wts, 12x25-30 ft. Grow Room. I'll probably start another thread once it's up and running, but as it stands the space has been framed in at 13.5'W x 28'L x 12'H, and we'll be running 10 1000w HPS lights, Co2, A/C, all that shit. Lot's of work, but it's all good, know what I'm sayin????

Anyway, here's some pics from this weekend. Hope ya like 'em!!!


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I had a garden simlar in look in 1997...... was almost all White Widow...... to date one of my favorite gardens ever..... glad to see you can enjoy it like I did!
Here's some pics from the second and third areas......................


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Ahhhh................fuckin nature!

Flat ground is hard to find around here!

Damn fireweed are puttin out their seeds; we've got this duff blowin everywhere. You brush up against them and the shit just comes billowing out, like a fuckin snowstorm, stickin to everything, can't breathe with yer fuckin mouth open, gettin in your eyes...................aaarrrggghhhhhh!

Yeah, fuckin nature...........:clap:


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I had a garden simlar in look in 1997...... was almost all White Widow...... to date one of my favorite gardens ever..... glad to see you can enjoy it like I did!

What's crackin TLD!! '97 must have been a sweet year! Was it a guerilla grow or a backyard grow? Man, I can't wait to have a back yard that I can grow in. It would be nice to see what I could accomplish if I could give them proper care and daily maintenance.:weed:
And yeah, I love doin this shit, I really do. It would be nice if it wasn't so labor-intensive, but I dig bein out in the woods, so it's all good!!

hell yeah, post a link to the thread once its up. Thats a lot of work!

You know I will bro! Lot's of work for sure, but hopefully it will all come to fruition, and I can supply some people in need with some meds.

See ya bro!:peace:
it was kind of both...... right next to the community hall between the hall and the river was a nice down slope approximate 4 square acres.... spread about 60 plants out...... you could see them from the gas station, the community hall, the high way and the tiny local market..... had a community harvest........ was all inspired by a girl that was then only 16, :) ........ now there is a little monument ( a sope stone bong) that is there as her mark. She passed away 4 days after harvest, thus I refuse to grow any pure WW
Ahhhh................fuckin nature!

Flat ground is hard to find around here!

Damn fireweed are puttin out their seeds; we've got this duff blowin everywhere. You brush up against them and the shit just comes billowing out, like a fuckin snowstorm, stickin to everything, can't breathe with yer fuckin mouth open, gettin in your eyes...................aaarrrggghhhhhh!

Yeah, fuckin nature...........:clap:

Mother Nature is a real CUNT. But a rewarding one.:wink::cool::eyesmoke:
lookin better and better that is a great pic of the mountains are they the rockies or what out there and the 11th pic in the 2nd set is a nice fat ass stalk
........or maybe the Cascades, Olympics, Van Is...........beautiful, beautiful!! I love this country up here---and GREAT YEAR it is indeed.....
Hey, just caught this thread, hadn;t followed it in awhile-----this is AWESOME!! I hope nobody cares about me jumping in like this...... I will go back and read what I have missed.....

One Question: Does that fireweed pollen shit get on your buds??<---or will it as they bud?? Never have heard of it being a problem so maybe when bud is really setting in?? I guess, my outside stuff is just now starting to bud; and figuring we still are just over 14hrs light...............

it was kind of both...... right next to the community hall between the hall and the river was a nice down slope approximate 4 square acres.... spread about 60 plants out...... you could see them from the gas station, the community hall, the high way and the tiny local market..... had a community harvest........ was all inspired by a girl that was then only 16, :) ........ now there is a little monument ( a sope stone bong) that is there as her mark. She passed away 4 days after harvest, thus I refuse to grow any pure WW

Nice that it was a community thing; it's good to see neighbors workin together, even for something as benign as weed. Thank's for sharin some of your story TLD, and I do feel your pain. It's hard to reconcile a life lost at a young age. Never miss a chance to tell the one's you love that you do love them. And when it's time, I'll raise a bowl in her honor!!

i used to live in Blaine and there were always crazy things going on around there with the CBP. ahhh i miss the west coast.

AC!! Yeah, Blaine's a fuckin armpit. Cops everywhere, City cops, Border Patrol, Customs, Homeland Security, County Sheriffs. Probably good you don't live there anymore!! Hahaha WEST COAST!!

Mother Nature is a real CUNT. But a rewarding one.:wink::cool::eyesmoke:

I've always rather enjoyed a real rewarding cunt.:hump::-P:mrgreen:

lookin better and better that is a great pic of the mountains are they the rockies or what out there and the 11th pic in the 2nd set is a nice fat ass stalk

Thank's Grodro! Fatty stalks for sure!! And the mountains are part of the Cascade range, runnin from Canada down to Cali.

........or maybe the Cascades, Olympics, Van Is...........beautiful, beautiful!! I love this country up here---and GREAT YEAR it is indeed.....
Hey, just caught this thread, hadn;t followed it in awhile-----this is AWESOME!! I hope nobody cares about me jumping in like this...... I will go back and read what I have missed.....

One Question: Does that fireweed pollen shit get on your buds??<---or will it as they bud?? Never have heard of it being a problem so maybe when bud is really setting in?? I guess, my outside stuff is just now starting to bud; and figuring we still are just over 14hrs light...............


What up Gman!! Yeah, Cascades. It is definately beautiful up here, just gets cold in the winter!!

Glad to see you stumbled upon my humble grow and thank's for takin the time to post.

And your question about the fireweed seeds is one I'm asking myself. I'm hopin it's mostly done seedin before my girls start gettin sticky, and if not, well, oh well, live and learn. Outdoor weed ALWAYS has some shit stuck in it though; there's simply no way to avoid all the bugs and shit flyin around in the air. At least the firewweed is an edible plant so there won't be any toxic shit from that if I end up smokin a little with my nugs. Fuck it, it's almost free. I'll take it and smoke it, make some hash, whatever works!!

Thank's again, and come back when you get the chance.

See ya!:peace:
Alright, here's a few pics of the girls in growbags.

I've been way too busy lately ( check out the new link in my sig. ) and kinda neglected these ones.:sad:

They were startin to droop when I got there. Not too bad, but still, I need to be on this shit!!

Weather's been up and down, and it's hard to gauge when they need water. I don't want to start overwatering them, and I want to limit my number of visits.

Then again, i don't want to stress them from bein dry now that they're finally startin to flip.

Growin's easy, but then again it's not, feel me?

Oh yeah, like I said before, this area gets ALOT of aerial traffic, low flyin single engine planes, helicopters, I even saw an ultralite out there. Anyway, today this fuckin plane buzzed me when I was out there. Flyin low, circled back around, right over my head. Fuck!!! I was camo'd but partially exposed. I'm pretty sure they caught a glimpse of me. Cock sucker mother fuckers. I wasn't next to any of my plants, but I was close, bout 30 feet from one.

Don't know what to think of it, and there's nothin I can do anyway, it just irritates me that assholes got nothin better to do than mind somebody else's business.

If my shit gets jacked that's one thing and I gotta live with it, but if I catch anyone actually fuckin with my shit, I will put them in the hospital, no joke. I know some people think you shouldn't mix violence with growin, but it's the principle, know what I'm sayin? I don't normally fuck with people, but if you fuck with me, I fuck with you back, regardless.

Otherwise, I got no beef with anyone!!:-P

I think next time I'm out I'm gonna video all the aircraft, put it on youtube, then put it on here. In any two hour period, I must get ten fly-overs. Wish I would've known that before I put 'em out there.

I guess that's what I get for not doin proper scoutin.

Lesson learned.

Anyway, here's the pics. Not alot of 'em; I was busy stakin 'em up.



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