N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow


Well-Known Member
And still more pics, and please excuse my amatuer attempt at scenic photography, i just see somethin' cool and take a pic, thought i'd share:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
What the fuck is going on with this plant??? I've never seen anything like it. The plant is freaking out and doing some bizarro mutation, genetic abnormality psycho funk bullshit! I've got no clues. Same strain as everything else, started and put outside at same time, same feeding schedule, medium, conditions, everything.

I started running out of soil, so i have a few holes with 2 and in one case 3 plants in them. This plant is sharing her hole with another, and that other is completely normal....go figure.

If anyone has any thoughts on the matter, please let me know!!! Anyone ever seen this before? I don't really care how the plant turns out, just curious at this point. It is still growing though, so i haven't decided whether to pull it or just let it go and see what funky kinda shit happens.



Well-Known Member
Woah, that is weird. Are all leaves like that?

I hope it's a mutation and not some weird ass deficiency..


Well-Known Member
Im fuckin way impressed with this grow, must of been a bitch haulling all that soil out there, i know it was for me, anyhoo i'll keep watching


Active Member
Im fuckin way impressed with this grow, must of been a bitch haulling all that soil out there, i know it was for me, anyhoo i'll keep watching
Good thing the Sheriff dosn't fly over your garden. They take pictures out of the helicopter here. Good thing I grow tomatoes, corn, beans, beets, squash and peppers


Well-Known Member
also a washington guerilla grower. if you consider growing in an urban lot in the middle of a berry bush a guerrilla grow (only two plants) not near your scale which is a reason i envy your grow. i am subscribed. more POWER to you, and best of luck. the "man" in our area has already raided a 40,000 (walla walla in the middle of a tree farm) plant grow and a 20,000 plant grow (grays harbor) suposedly biggest grow bust in western washington history, they were all in the news. cant wait to compare buds.


Well-Known Member
Woah, that is weird. Are all leaves like that?

What up Angus! Yeah, pretty much all the leaves on that plant are affected. I've seen variations in the same strain before, and there's always genetic drift after awhile, but i'm stumped on this one:shock:

Im fuckin way impressed with this grow, must of been a bitch haulling all that soil out there, i know it was for me, anyhoo i'll keep watching
Thanks Medi! Yeah, if you've hauled soil then you know how much of a pain it is. We do what we gotta do though, right? Growin outdoors, there's only so many things that are in our control, and in my opinion and experience it's best to take advantage of those things that are. Alot of native soils just aren't that good for growin MJ. Good luck on you and yours!
Good thing the Sheriff dosn't fly over your garden. They take pictures out of the helicopter here. Good thing I grow tomatoes, corn, beans, beets, squash and peppers
Howdy Hook! Nah, my stuff is way out in the woods; only hunters and loggers up there and they are too lazy to ever find my shit. My rule of thumb in finding spots to grow is, along with being a spot that is condusive to good growth with adequate sunlight and mostly southern exposure, if I don't really want to go moshing up, down, across, or into that area due to it's ruggedness, when i have a reason to, is somebody else going to without something compelling them to do so. Feelin me?:blsmoke: Thanks for stoppin' by!!


Well-Known Member
also a washington guerilla grower. if you consider growing in an urban lot in the middle of a berry bush a guerrilla grow (only two plants) not near your scale which is a reason i envy your grow. i am subscribed. more POWER to you, and best of luck. the "man" in our area has already raided a 40,000 (walla walla in the middle of a tree farm) plant grow and a 20,000 plant grow (grays harbor) suposedly biggest grow bust in western washington history, they were all in the news. cant wait to compare buds.
The Tanman commeth! What up bro and thanks for the comments! Concerning your urban guerrilla grow, remember artificial sources of night light ( if any's around ) can screw with 'em when they are flowering! Sometimes that gets overlooked; hopefully you don't have that problem though! Ah, the "man",:finger:, kinda an oxymoron to me, but yeah, it's amazing to me people try ops that big. Obviously they are growin' for commercial reasons, and the payout can be huge ( "man"'s fault ), but the risk to reward ratio just doesn't pan out for me. I know they usually get the plants and not the people, but still, if you get popped, you're done. Gone. Bye Bye. Some people's children. :wall: I just don't understand. Makes for good headlines for the drug fuck nazis though. Anyway, stick around, pull up a chair and we'll compare:bigjoint: Good luck on your girls!


Well-Known Member
You're the only other person I've ever heard say that besides my pops.

A few well-put posts and some good advice up there dude.

"Gotta do what we gotta do". You know it, man!
You know it!!! And i have to say Ang, your pops must be one astute dude!! Cliche's were made up for a reason, cause they're true! And thanks for the props; gotta spead tha love:blsmoke: And we're all pretty much in this together, right? Sharin our info, and learnin from others, appreciating everyone's handywork and ingenuity, that's what it's all about. Well...that and the ladies!!!! Gotta love those sweet green girls!!:bigjoint:

Oh yeah, I'm diggin' your avatar!! The Trailer Park Boys are some of the funniest goddamn shit i ever did see!! " This water bong is so smooth, you don't realize how high yer gettin, till it's too late!" Bubbles
Laugh my fuckin ass off!! hahahahahah
Anyway, i need to go medicate:blsmoke: See ya:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, no problem That's what RIU is here for, to share the love!

Hell yeah man, I laughed reading that quote, it's been a while.

Well whaddayaknow? It is that time ;)bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey i was wondering when is the right time to start planting out side in the N.W.?
Sosick, the rule of thumb is pretty much after the last heavy frost, which depending on where in the N.W. you are is probably sometime in the month of April, maybe early May. It will depend on the elevation you are planning to grow at also. I've found anything above 1000' elevation, the chill definately likes to hang around a little longer. Up here there was still snow on the ground at 1000' in early May. Not alot, but enough to make me scoot on down the mountain a little bit. You have plenty of time to still get an excellent grow in this season, if that's something you were considering. Hope that helps!:peace:


Well-Known Member
What up fine people! Here's some new pics of the ones I have in grow bags. They are really startin to kick; growin up and out, I dig it!! They are 3-4 ft. tall and lookin good, to me anyway:eyesmoke: And no slugs!!!!

I have 6 out here, 2 of which I started LSTing a week or so ago, and they are lovin' the treatment, so I LST'd the other 4 also.


Cap K

Well-Known Member
Hats off to you my dude! Helluva grow you got going there! Your description of Washington's medical marijuana laws got me wanting to move up there.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of the 2 that I previously LST'd, and the resulting growth after a week or so. You can clearly see how all of the lower growth is coming up, turning into tops as well. :bigjoint: All I can say is if they bud out as well as they're growin out, I'm gonna be slant eyed till next year!!:eyesmoke::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
i hope you didnt plant thoose ladies to far from your house your gonna have a helluva load of weed to carry back:lol:
lookin good +rep


Well-Known Member
Hats off to you my dude! Helluva grow you got going there! Your description of Washington's medical marijuana laws got me wanting to move up there.
Aye Cap'n, aye. The people that live up here seem to have a pretty open view on Medical
Marijuana, and as to the " amount " we're allowed to have, I think Washington State has just about the most generous laws in the country. :bigjoint: I'm not complainin'!! Well, they really shouldn't try to dictate the quantity of my medicine, but i'm not fightin' it. Yet!!:cuss::finger: Thanks for the props!!:blsmoke:
i hope you didnt plant thoose ladies to far from your house your gonna have a helluva load of weed to carry back:lol:
lookin good +rep
Junk, I'm hopin' your words prove to be prophetic!! But i've got a strong back, so i think i'll do okay.Thanks for the rep!!:peace: