N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow


Well-Known Member
What up all! I just went to check on some of my girls today, and for the most part I'm happy with the progress they've made. Slugs have still been at 'em, but 90% of the damage done is contained to three plants, so i'll take it! Deer repellant as slug bait seemed to work okay, but i liberally applied the real deal today, so i'll keep my fingers crossed. It was hot all this past week, but started raining today, and is supposed to keep it up for a few days, but I watered 'em pretty deep and hit 'em with some more Age Old Grow. We'll see how they do!! BONUS! Huckleberries are fruiting all over the mountain! It tastes so good when it hits your lips!! ( Old School anyone? ) Hahaha:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Here's a few shots of the slug damage:evil: One plant they have almost stripped seems like, one they have done a good job lollipopping, and the other the fuckers have eaten half way through the main stalk! It's still growin and seems to be just shakin off the damage and doin it's thing. It will be interesting to see the situation next week. I had been covering the base of the plants with duff, partly to make them not stand out, and partly for moisture retention. And of course slugs LOVE anything moisture retentive ( that's where they like to keep cool and moist during the heat of the day ) so i had to slap myself a couple a times.:wall:

Like I said, I've been out of the game for awhile. Tryin to remember back through the vast cloud of smoke i've left in my wake isn't easy!!! So i removed all the duff and cut back anything they could use as a bridge. We'll see. At least I haven't had any deer problems yet. I fuckin hate deer! Near my plants anyway. One year, i was so pissed at the deer I was seriously considering building some pungi pits:fire:, then realized I could potentially injure anyone unlucky enough to stumble upon my stuff, so i didn't. But almost though!! I was really fuckin pissed. They would rip off a whole branch just to take a bite, then leave the rest of the branch layin on the ground rotting. Even remembering it still pisses me off! Anyway, sorry about my rant! Oah, i'm fuckin' high!:eyesmoke:bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
haha yup it is hard work growing but good things dont come easy keep it up your doing great!


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up man? I'm really feelin your grow. I'm a fellow guerrilla grower myself but also a patient here in Northern Cal. I would just do the whole backyard op but no room so just gotta bust my ass and guerrilla it. that's awesome you have 3 different gardens though, so almost guaranteed a heavy harvest :twisted: diggin all the scenic photos as well. nothing like being the only human out in the wilderness like that. but check out my grows in my sig when you get the chance.
definitely scribed to this one :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
haha yup it is hard work growing but good things dont come easy keep it up your doing great!
Norcal, thank you my friend, thank you!! Hard work indeed, and yeah, you get out what you put in, right? That's what Plato said anyway, or maybe it was Cheech & Chong. Fuck, I think I need more medicine!!:blsmoke:
Hey what's up man? I'm really feelin your grow. I'm a fellow guerrilla grower myself but also a patient here in Northern Cal. I would just do the whole backyard op but no room so just gotta bust my ass and guerrilla it. that's awesome you have 3 different gardens though, so almost guaranteed a heavy harvest :twisted: diggin all the scenic photos as well. nothing like being the only human out in the wilderness like that. but check out my grows in my sig when you get the chance.
definitely scribed to this one :blsmoke:
B!! Thanks bro!! I just peeped your grow, an' i'm feelin ya too!! You touch me, i touch you back! ( Bruce Lee, people ) And yeah, had way too many plants to put in one spot; i'm hopin my security measures prove up to the task!! And the outdoors!! I love it!! One of my favorite things to do when i'm out doin my thing is to hop up on a stump or downed tree, cop a squat injun style, blaze up some dankness, and survey my domain, just take it all in. Almost reward enough in itself! Almost!! I was bike ridin with my daughter the other day, and she kept askin where we were goin, so i tried to break it down for her that it's not always about the destination. It's great to get where you're tryin to go, but the adventure is in the journey, and what you observe and encounter along the way. That's where you learn most of what this life has to teach you. Patience, kindness, a little humility, and a certain respect and appreciation for all living things ( excluding of course slugs, snails, deer and anything else detrimental to the health of our MJ!! Hahaha ).

Anyway, thank's again my friend!! I'll be seein ya!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I like your positive style on outdoor growing but those feet cracked me up. LOL, I almost dropped my mouse. Those purps look sweet damn slugs. Anyway +rep to you for the hard earned blisters. LOL, best laugh I've had today! slabhead

oh yeah, what are you using as deer repellent? I got to where I piss around my plants seems to help keep them away.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I like your positive style on outdoor growing but those feet cracked me up. LOL, I almost dropped my mouse. Those purps look sweet damn slugs. Anyway +rep to you for the hard earned blisters. LOL, best laugh I've had today! slabhead

oh yeah, what are you using as deer repellent? I got to where I piss around my plants seems to help keep them away.
What up Slab!! Gotta keep it positive on the grow; too many other things to rage at, know what I mean? And I'm glad I brought a little humor into your day. My dog's definately take a beatin' when I go out, but I just smile at the pain!! Purps ARE sweet; same strain, showin different phenos. Can't wait to taste it!! As for the deer, I haven't had a problem with them yet, but I did put some human hair in some pantyhose early on, maybe that's why. I'm also growin in really rugged areas, and deer tend to stick to the easier animal trails and not venture into the heavy brush, so i'm hopin everything will be cool!! Thank's for the comments and the rep, and i'll be checkin your links out sometime tonight!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, so here's some pics from earlier today ( yesterday i guess:eyesmoke: ) of my growbag setup. Things are lookin great!! They are all responding very well to the LST treatment; new tops formin' all over the place!! I'm definately gonna have to stake 'em up good so they will be able to hold their weight, but gee...that's not really somethin to complain about. I'll take it!! Anyway, only minor insect damage ( still suspect young grasshoppers ) primarily on one plant, and it doesn't really seem to be showing any ill effects, so I think it's all good. I'd rather avoid the insecticides and neem oil if at all possible, so i'll just monitor the situation closely.

So there we go, and here you go.....some weed porn!!:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Here's a couple pics of the insect damage. So what do you think? There are no bugs to be found on the plant, so like I said before, i'm thinkin' flying insect.

Anyone have any ideas?? Seen this type of damage before??:???:



Well-Known Member
Here's a couple pics of the insect damage. So what do you think? There are no bugs to be found on the plant, so like I said before, i'm thinkin' flying insect.

Anyone have any ideas?? Seen this type of damage before??:???:
your birds are looking real nice Riz! :weed: that LST job looks like it breaks the outline of the traditional looking plant nicely.
but yea dude, that looks like grass hoppers to me.. had the same shit on my plants and it was getting kinda bad so I just went for the neem oil. this morning when I was checking my plants tho, saw the weirdest looking white spider on my plant. looked more like a crab than a spider haha it was nuts! never seen anything like it before. just kinda high and though I'd share haha bongsmilie :-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah looking good riz. I can see you are one dedicated grower. I'd suggest the Neem oil too. Grasshoppers or aphids or whatever is munching should move on after you treat. I got a little $1 mister at the dollar store that I use to spray fits right in the back pocket.


Active Member
Here's a couple pics of the insect damage. So what do you think? There are no bugs to be found on the plant, so like I said before, i'm thinkin' flying insect.

Anyone have any ideas?? Seen this type of damage before??:???:
Is that on plants in the bags. Or is it on the other one's ? Peace


Well-Known Member
your birds are looking real nice Riz! :weed: that LST job looks like it breaks the outline of the traditional looking plant nicely.
but yea dude, that looks like grass hoppers to me.. had the same shit on my plants and it was getting kinda bad so I just went for the neem oil. this morning when I was checking my plants tho, saw the weirdest looking white spider on my plant. looked more like a crab than a spider haha it was nuts! never seen anything like it before. just kinda high and though I'd share haha bongsmilie :-)
So what are you sayin' B? You think your plants have crabs? That's tough bro!! Hahaha:mrgreen: Yeah, LSTing them really changes the profile. I like it. So, neem oil if I decide to go that route. I'm gonna watch one more week, and see how the damage is. Thanks for your thoughts on the matter!!:peace:

Yeah looking good riz. I can see you are one dedicated grower. I'd suggest the Neem oil too. Grasshoppers or aphids or whatever is munching should move on after you treat. I got a little $1 mister at the dollar store that I use to spray fits right in the back pocket.
Thanks Slab!! Yeah, I'm dedicated alright. But that's what they deserve, yes? No less. Gotta do it proper!! Hey, got any hog jerky??!! And okay, looks like I'm gettin some neem. Thank's my friend!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, I took alot of pics today!!! Got a little camera happy, but oh well, why not. I'm just gonna post a shitload; if you don't want to take the time to look at 'em all, i really don't blame ya!!! I dig free porn though, so maybe you will too!!

So, things are starting to look really good. Minimal slug damage since last week, and lots of new growth. Some of 'em are startin to get pretty big, 4-5 ft tall, and filling out very well. And they are startin to stink like crazy!! Very nice!

The ones that were tied over with a stake just straightened themselves right back up; only the ones that were tied to an old stick buried under the brush really stayed. Oh well, i'm leavin 'em now. Don't want to mess with a good thing too much, ya know?

They were fertilized again today, 1 oz Age Old Grow in first gallon, then 2-3 more gallons of straight water depending on how big or dry they were. Now all they need is some consistant sunlight!! It was about 80 yesterday, pretty decent this morning, then the clouds and showers moved in. Just another of those lovely variables you deal with growin outdoors. Makes 'em tough though, for sure!!

Anyway, here's what they're lookin like today........and please excuse the gross amount of pics, there's 2-3 of most of them.......:peace:



Well-Known Member
More pics.....:mrgreen:

