N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey, are you using the bloom part of a liquid hydroponic fertilizer like I suggested a while back? Looks like you may be judging by the length of your colas. When I used to grow outside I got yard long colas off of some strains. Looks like mid october or so for finish. Dont fret about frost, budding plants can take some hard frost has been my experience.

GTS!! What up bro!?!?!?

Hey! I am indeed using the Bloom formula from G.H., 3-4 tsp, and just last week dropped from 1 oz. to 1/2 oz. Age Old Grow, all nutes in the first gallon, then 1-4 more gallons straight H2o, depending on the weather, if there's been rain or not.

And yeah, sometime in October, couple maybe towards the end of October. It's also only gettin to the mid-fifties at night right now, but I know they'll be fine through the colder nights.

Only thing I have to worry about is my shit turnin purple!! Hahaha

Thank's again for the tips, and for lookin in!!



Well-Known Member
Hey people!!

Alright, here's a quick update on the rest of my outdoor girls.............Checked 'em a couple days ago, and they are definately startin to kick out the jams. Headies formin up everywhere!!!

I'd eat my hat if a couple of these weren't pushin 10 feet, maybe a little more. I know that height isn't everything, but it's just amazing standin in front of something that you grew and it's towering over you.

That's some shit right there!!

SOme will be done before others, and I'm kinda relieved at that. Hopefully there won't be any rushing to get shit trimmed, but I know I'm still gonna be up for days snippin, so I guess just disregard that!!

Anyway, here's some pics......................



Well-Known Member
Crunch time.

You don't have time to sleep.

Slab my friend! Yeah, it's gettin to the point where you start trippin out, worryin, wonderin, hoping beyond hope that the steps you've taken are going to ensure a successful harvest.

Fuckin stress!!!!!!!!

But sleep is the only real relief I have right now, so after these next few pics, I'm off to bed.

These are from the second and third areas, and you can see all the fireweed duff all over the plants. Don't really know what to do about it. I'm hopin that the wind and rain will take care of alot of it, and maybe I'll be doin some pluckin with some tweezers........................and if not, fuck it, I'll call this shit the Fire, and blaze it up!!!!!!!!!!

Check this shit out, and give me any suggestions or experience dealin with this crap if you got any.........



Well-Known Member
you can shake it off after you remove the fan leaves..... wind better than rain..... netting around the sides of the gardens is a great preventative measure ;)


Well-Known Member
GTS!! What up bro!?!?!?

Hey! I am indeed using the Bloom formula from G.H., 3-4 tsp, and just last week dropped from 1 oz. to 1/2 oz. Age Old Grow, all nutes in the first gallon, then 1-4 more gallons straight H2o, depending on the weather, if there's been rain or not.

And yeah, sometime in October, couple maybe towards the end of October. It's also only gettin to the mid-fifties at night right now, but I know they'll be fine through the colder nights.

Only thing I have to worry about is my shit turnin purple!! Hahaha

Thank's again for the tips, and for lookin in!!

Just be sure to use the bloom all the way to the end. You can taper off the nitrogen the last week or so but give them the bloom EVERY WATERING.

Awesome grow dood.


Well-Known Member
Just be sure to use the bloom all the way to the end. You can taper off the nitrogen the last week or so but give them the bloom EVERY WATERING.

Awesome grow dood.
One more thing, you should be giving them at least 3 TABLESPOONS of the bloom per five gallons at this point, and up to five tablespoons. If you do so you will see a huge jump in bud size.

In the past I have given them up to seven tablespoons per five gallons but saw no real size difference beyond four tablespoons per five gallons.


Well-Known Member
Remember this??

"Are you fuckin shittin me????:confused:

TLD, was that something you requested, considering it's your thread?

Or is that just what it means to be a " Moderator "?

I think I'd rather be a " Regulator "!!!!! Fuck it! Who's with me? Where the fuck's Chavez when you need him??? I need some peyote!!! :blsmoke::peace: "

He finally has gotten under my skin....... fucking HYPOCRITE

You know what Im talking about ;)

Im sick of his shit.....


Well-Known Member
Remember this??

"Are you fuckin shittin me????:confused:

TLD, was that something you requested, considering it's your thread?

Or is that just what it means to be a " Moderator "?

I think I'd rather be a " Regulator "!!!!! Fuck it! Who's with me? Where the fuck's Chavez when you need him??? I need some peyote!!! :blsmoke::peace: "

He finally has gotten under my skin....... fucking HYPOCRITE

You know what Im talking about ;)

Im sick of his shit.....
What happened now?


Well-Known Member
very nice Riz! check out that stalk! :clap:
What up B!!!!!!!! thank's, and yeah, I've got quite a few lookin like that. Don't know why they make such cool pics, but they do!!

Finished with the basement yet?????

Superb guerilla grow mann....Props...

Keep up the splendid work....
Thank's GS!! I try my nest , and mother nature does the rest!!

Remember this??

"Are you fuckin shittin me????:confused:

TLD, was that something you requested, considering it's your thread?

Or is that just what it means to be a " Moderator "?

I think I'd rather be a " Regulator "!!!!! Fuck it! Who's with me? Where the fuck's Chavez when you need him??? I need some peyote!!! :blsmoke::peace: "

He finally has gotten under my skin....... fucking HYPOCRITE

You know what Im talking about ;)

Im sick of his shit.....

Tried to forget that stupid shit, but yeah, I remember vividly.

I remember getting personally docked with an infraction and private message from said individual for saying in your thread " ...some people's children...." .

That's all I said, then I get the little cry baby message that I received an " infraction" ......OOoooooo.....for insulting another member.

This from the Asshole King, who insults, puts down or just plain disrespects people on a daily basis. On his own threads no less.

From the ONE person on the planet that knows absolutely everything there is to know about growin weed.


Again, whatever.

You know, I could give a fuck. I've " unsubscribed ", as he's so fond of informing you, from all his shit, and I could really give a fuck.

All right, I'm done.

I feel for ya bro, havin to deal with small people's petty bullshit. Ya gotta give me the skinny on the drama, I want details!!!

Don't stress none though; your girls will sense it!!

This world takes all people.

The good ( YOU! ), the bad ( ME!!!!:twisted: ), and the ugly ( some hypothetical person that I won't name by name ).

Life's all good bro, feelin me?!?!?!?!??!?

Positive energy comin your way!



Well-Known Member
I prefer being a good person and would rather smoke my own home grown brick weed than to have the mentality of certain people.

Besides, hypocrisy works like gravity; what gets dished works its way back.

Don't be mad though, some people are just better growers than you! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Just be sure to use the bloom all the way to the end. You can taper off the nitrogen the last week or so but give them the bloom EVERY WATERING.

Awesome grow dood.

I don't think he needs any advice, but I and most others like to give water only the last few weeks GTS.:blsmoke:

Riz we getting down to the final stretch my friend. I have recruted family to help trim. Gonna be a busy fall.