N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow


Well-Known Member
What up B!!!!!!!! thank's, and yeah, I've got quite a few lookin like that. Don't know why they make such cool pics, but they do!!

Finished with the basement yet?????

Thank's GS!! I try my nest , and mother nature does the rest!!

Tried to forget that stupid shit, but yeah, I remember vividly.

I remember getting personally docked with an infraction and private message from said individual for saying in your thread " ...some people's children...." .

That's all I said, then I get the little cry baby message that I received an " infraction" ......OOoooooo.....for insulting another member.

This from the Asshole King, who insults, puts down or just plain disrespects people on a daily basis. On his own threads no less.

From the ONE person on the planet that knows absolutely everything there is to know about growin weed.


Again, whatever.

You know, I could give a fuck. I've " unsubscribed ", as he's so fond of informing you, from all his shit, and I could really give a fuck.

All right, I'm done.

I feel for ya bro, havin to deal with small people's petty bullshit. Ya gotta give me the skinny on the drama, I want details!!!

Don't stress none though; your girls will sense it!!

This world takes all people.

The good ( YOU! ), the bad ( ME!!!!:twisted: ), and the ugly ( some hypothetical person that I won't name by name ).

Life's all good bro, feelin me?!?!?!?!??!?

Positive energy comin your way!


just word.....


YES I'm a newb but, I''ve been watching this for awhile now and I must say..... What are those GPS coords. again. Just kidding man hope all goes well in these crucial final weeks Jesus your final weight could be 4 tons!!!


Well-Known Member
Alright people, here's some pics from the last visit.

Like I said before, this is all from the same seed stock, but there are definately different hereditary charecteristics comin through. Just as when the same two people have multiple children that don't look alike, so too with seeded plants.

The green pheno type aren't as tall as the purple pheno one's, but are maturing at a faster rate, so it looks like it's gonna be a staggered harvest for sure, which is totally a blessing at this point.

They are still getting nutes every week, but we are starting to taper off the veg nutes, let the plants start to yellow a little, which will hopefully keep the profile down a little, keep them lookin more like their surroundings.

We've also got most of the main branches tied off now, so bring on the weight!!!!!!:mrgreen:

Anyway, here's some pics..................The first 4 are of the girl that the slugs almost killed. She's pushin 10' now. Go figure.................



Well-Known Member
More pics..................:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Don't that want to make you smell your fingers like a teenager at the movies. lol

Lookin' great Riz. That thick purp stems are so cool.


Well-Known Member
Here's another. Both of these are vid's of my growbag girls on the platforms.



Well-Known Member
Ahhh maa mazzed!!!!:peace:
Don't that want to make you smell your fingers like a teenager at the movies. lol

Lookin' great Riz. That thick purp stems are so cool.

Thank's fellas!! It's getting to be that time, and it's sooooo nice to watch them fill out!!! Few more weeks and I'm REALLY gonna have no free time, just them sticky fingers!!! Hahaha

Oh yeah, that was a sundance I sent ya Brother Slab, not a raindance. Either you were too high, or I was too high. Either way, we're good!!!