nah, we dont need to drill for oil


Well-Known Member
I posted this earlier, but we need to quit arguing we should do this and we should do that. We need to do both. Drilling for the immediate need and alternative for long term. One without the other will cause a shortfall either now or later.


Well-Known Member
You know what sucks about solar? It doesn't work at night. Coal works at all times , so does oil and Nat Gas.

As far as Colorado and the Dakotas go, they DO NOT have trillions of barrels of oil, billions maybe, but not trillions.


Well-Known Member
I posted this earlier, but we need to quit arguing we should do this and we should do that. We need to do both. Drilling for the immediate need and alternative for long term. One without the other will cause a shortfall either now or later.
I think if you read the last couple pages thats what we came to agree on.


Well-Known Member
Ok Bro gotcha...
But how could you use it with today infastructure if its a electric car. There are no electric charging station around the country??? So where would you gas/charge up?
You just plug it into the wall and your good for 300 miles on a charge- the electricty to go the 300 miles should cost you less than 5$ and if you need to go further stop for lunch someplace that will let you plug it in while you eat and take a piss
<div class="cc-nav"> Tesla Model S Electric Car



Well-Known Member
You just plug it into the wall and your good for 300 miles on a charge- the electricty to go the 300 miles should cost you less than 5$ and it you need to go further stop for lunch someplace that will let you plug it in while you eat and take a piss
I think thats the problem I'm talking about.
There is no PUBLIC infastructure to support electric cars. You can't go on a trip and HOPE someone will let you plug in. There needs to be an electric station just like a gas station to support electric cars.


Well-Known Member
I think thats the problem I'm talking about.
There is no PUBLIC infastructure to support electric cars. You can't go on a trip and HOPE someone will let you plug in. There needs to be an electric station just like a gas station to support electric cars.
There is definately a better mousetrap possible. The question is do we have one to move foward with. Gas stations make almost nothing on gas...their profits are on beer and cigs...the gas just serves as the anchor draw. It would seem this would be a good place to let the private sector hook in. But I can pump gas in 2 min, how long to charge up.....?


Well-Known Member
I think thats the problem I'm talking about.
There is no PUBLIC infastructure to support electric cars. You can't go on a trip and HOPE someone will let you plug in. There needs to be an electric station just like a gas station to support electric cars.
Yeah but we could be using these cars for trips of less than 300 or whatever range is now achievable no??? such as commuting back and forth to work? Which by sheer coincidence is almost all of the driving done by average people.

So to need some fossils to take a trip cross country is still within the realm of possibility right?


Well-Known Member
How about stop using all the oil like its water???? sitting in a drive thru waiting on yer fatty burger......driving 4 blocks to anywhere cause you too lazy too walk.....Not too mention the "I want a bigger truck" guy or the My SUV has to bigger than hers and please install my remote starter so I don't have to get my little tushy cold.....face it folks our addiction to cheap fuel is about to take us into withdrawal............LOL...Its over peeps soon we will all be paying way more for fuel you think it is expensive now MUUUHHAAAHHAAA:mrgreen: Imma go buy a rickshaw and be done with it...Nope scratch that I'm going to don my tinfoil hat and make some biodiesel.


Well-Known Member
How about stop using all the oil like its water???? sitting in a drive thru waiting on yer fatty burger......driving 4 blocks to anywhere cause you too lazy too walk.....Not too mention the "I want a bigger truck" guy or the My SUV has to bigger than hers and please install my remote starter so I don't have to get my little tushy cold.....face it folks our addiction to cheap fuel is about to take us into withdrawal............LOL...Its over peeps soon we will all be paying way more for fuel you think it is expensive now MUUUHHAAAHHAAA:mrgreen: Imma go buy a rickshaw and be done with it...Nope scratch that I'm going to don my tinfoil hat and make some biodiesel.
We could just use water..

jeff f

New Member
Yeah but we could be using these cars for trips of less than 300 or whatever range is now achievable no??? such as commuting back and forth to work? Which by sheer coincidence is almost all of the driving done by average people.

So to need some fossils to take a trip cross country is still within the realm of possibility right?
so are you packing your family around the country in your little fake battery car?

and the people still freeze....


Well-Known Member
so are you packing your family around the country in your little fake battery car?

and the people still freeze....
you're full of it.

people in america don't freeze during the winter like leaves fall off trees. the 'rolling blackouts' in texas affected a lot of people for very little time. i live in north texas and friends of mine from garland, mesquite, arlington, euless and rockwall all said they lost power for 30-40 mins once maybe twice a day.... some of the blackouts happened so early in the morning they only realized b/c the clocks on the oven was blinking 12:00....

i'm telling you you are full of *%&*%^.

and if you don't like electric cars that much, why do you keep bringing them up??? i mean, i'm sure you don't own one, you've probably never driven one, and you don't want one.... why keep bringing it up??? now i'm thinking you are just parroting mis-information popular to you and your tiny group of friends, without any knowledge of what, if any, benefits and setbacks owning an electric car brings.......

but that couldn't be true, could it????

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member

this is a sad state of affairs. how are those windmills working out for ya? how are your little faggy electric cars charging back up in a blackout?

we need an energy revolution in this country. drill, build nukes, dig coal, the works. its time we tell feds to go fuck themselves and lets start using our natural resources again.
Totally. Not wanting to destroy the planet is basically the same thing as being gay.

You forgot to add that because there was a storm that proves global warming doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
You know what sucks about solar? It doesn't work at night.

solar power can be stored into batteries, much the same way you charge the battery on your drill bit and use it without the wall plug.

solar can be stored into batteries/cells and used at night or during cloudy days.

the genius of obama (of which he never seems to brag) is that he basically turned the DOE into a gigantic venture capital fund, funding only the best innovators and pioneers who are devising better and more efficient ways to store this energy.

we are still not there yet with solar, but i hold hope that one day very soon, we will be.


Well-Known Member
and the people still freeze....
these people were probably not smart enough to take advantage of the tax breaks for weatherizing your home, made available by obama and the democrats in the stimulus package.

if enough people were to weatherize, it would reduce demand on the outdated grid, thus minimizing whatever rolling blackouts that were needed (the other alternative is to fry the grid and not have power for MUCH longer).

you should thank obama for not only taking actions that work not only as preventative measures to mitigate the very thing you are complaining about, but also for his actions which save the average american family lots of money. also for his dedication to improving america's infrastructure, which is crumbling. there was a lot of money for that in the stimulus, as well (american recovery and reinvestment act).


Well-Known Member
these people were probably not smart enough to take advantage of the tax breaks for weatherizing your home, made available by obama and the democrats in the stimulus package.

if enough people were to weatherize, it would reduce demand on the outdated grid, thus minimizing whatever rolling blackouts that were needed (the other alternative is to fry the grid and not have power for MUCH longer).

you should thank obama for not only taking actions that work not only as preventative measures to mitigate the very thing you are complaining about, but also for his actions which save the average american family lots of money. also for his dedication to improving america's infrastructure, which is crumbling. there was a lot of money for that in the stimulus, as well (american recovery and reinvestment act).
??? are you trying to credit obama for preventing people from freezing to death?
If they care that much then why not free oil for all americans- 1 barrel a week? I would give all americans oil.


Well-Known Member
??? are you trying to credit obama for preventing people from freezing to death?
no, i said his legislation made it easier for people to keep themselves from having higher heating bills: tax breaks for weatherizing, infrastructure investments.

If they care that much then why not free oil for all americans- 1 barrel a week? I would give all americans oil.
your delusions of grandeur aside, the government/private companies do offer assistance towards heating your home.

forgive me for not believing the words of an admitted thief and junkie, but i don't have a ton of confidence that you'll ever be in the position to give all americans a barrel of oil per week.


Well-Known Member
I think we should be benifiting from our militarys dominance in the middle east and I think U.S. taxpayers should be recieving dividends for their investment in the form of free oil
vetrans should get more oil maybe 5 barrels a week and any extra should be sold to china to pay our national debt


Well-Known Member
I think we should be benifiting from our militarys dominance in the middle east and I think U.S. taxpayers should be recieving dividends for their investment in the form of free oil
vetrans should get more oil maybe 5 barrels a week and any extra should be sold to china to pay our national debt
veterans should get the psycological and physical care they need. not more, not less. serving in the military has been a choice for at least 30 years. and while nothing can prepare you for war, nothing can FORCE you to be there....

and we do reap some benefits: the world sees us as a babysitter and they look to the USA to tap them on the nose when they piss on the carpet....

and Israel has total, unquestionable military dominance in the region.... the USA makes sure of it.