nail through stalk

I don't know if it's a myth or not, but it's still brutal... as said above, you get the same effect from 24-48h darkness before harvesting or from supercropping...

I mean... if someone told you that driving a nail throu your child would make him smarter...would you do it?
Someone told me leave it in darkness for the last 2 weeks before you harvest
How about an 8“ galvanized Steel spike frozen cold ? ...... heard you get the terps.

1. get some distance between you and plant .
2. Break into a fucking sprint with spike over head .
3. Launch your ass into a “ Superman “ at plant .
4. Miss fucking plant , fly thru back wall of tent , smash into wall
5. Spike is up your ass .... mission fail.
I follow the Dracula method and use a wooden stake instead of a nail.

I try and fart in the grow room. I would pee on an outdoor plant in veg only.

So in dwc I could put a nail in the stalk, or, what if I just give the roots a little trim. Cut them so there is just 4 inches sticking down and throw out the rest. That would surely cause some dehydration stress.
I hear that if you put a rusty nail thru your girlfriend's clit it make it more sensitive.............

The method is the following: Leave a nail in bleach 24h in order for it to rust. Drive it through the stem right near the bottom, few days before harvesting time.

The logic: The plant will realize that it's dieing and will secrete a protective hormone that accelerates bud production, not cannabinoid production. You'll end up with more buds, not with a higher THC concentration.

I did not try this, so I have no idea if it does work, but I have read some posts around here from a guy who says that it does have a big impact in the buds...
My buddy told me that if you put a nail through the trunk of the plant it will increase the thc. Is this true? Has anyone done it before?
I would compare that, it would be about the same affect, if you stuck a sharp nail through the base of your erect penis. Then the same nail through the base of your plant. I'm certain that both will die off. LOL
This method will cause "Desiccation" of the plant by interrupting the flow of fluids through the stem....Essentially allowing you to "water stress" the plant without all the hassle of underwatering. So if you were growing outdoors and couldnt control the waterings, this would do the same thing...Anytime you increase potency, you WILL decrease the total yield.

As far as putting the nail in bleach, there is no evidence that this will help anymore than a regular nail.
Not trashing you, just the myth.

I have a really good idea...stop watering the plants well before you harvest....boom! "water stress." I do it with every fucking nail though. It really does seem dumb in my mind. And not worth the risk of 3,4,5 months of growing!
You know im just going to sit back, and read all these comments. I havent read this thread in a very long time. This should be entertaining. Sorry to interrupt yall thinking these plants are still alive, and this discussion was made 2 hours ago. Lmfao.
Yep. You just repeated history. Another idoit commenting on an old post like youre damn opinion matters. Lmfao. Myths die hard just like your ignorance.
All these rumors and the only reason I’ve ever heard to put a nail in a plant was only if it was a zinc coated nail and as a guerilla grow way to supplement zinc. I’ve heard it was supposed to be done earlier in the plants life and carefully so the plant could recover and just grow around it.

Never once have I ever heard of it as a way to increase yields or potency.
This is the newest way of doing it. Put a hose clamp on every branch and crank them as tight as you can. I prefer using a bud stretcher but if yo don’t have one you can also take fishing string and tie rocks on all your buds to stretch them out. As far as getting your buds frostier just take a 1 to 3 pound bag full of sugar depending on how big your plant is and sprinkle it all over your buds then take a held torch and lightly sear each one until you hear a pop. After all that take a box full of rusted drywall screws and try to get as many as you can in stalk all the way up. That should do about do it. Please post pics after it’s all done!