Namaste from India

Hey fellow blazers ! I was looking for some answers on Google when I stumbled upon the forum . I immediately joined it coz I knew it would had all of them answers.

Well, I haven't grown cannabis ever, and mostly the stuff I get is spiked , which frustrates me a lot . So I have decided to grow the green for myself.

Any help from a fellow grower is appreciated , and if there are growers from India , I would definitely love to keep in mind their advice.

So,That's all I could think of right now.

Thanks a lot
Keep blazing.

Boom Shankar !!

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
In Poland it's common for dealers to dip their product in suger/chemical shite. I once smoked something like that and after the first joint I went throwing up. Bloody shitheads.


Staff member
Spiked with what? Other drugs?

Absolutely unprofitable for dealers to do so
They wouldn't make money if they did that

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hmm... true to it being unprofitable, but then someone could become addicted to the substance in the bud and keep coming back to the same dealer for more.

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
No no, once the person gets addicted then the dealer stops putting the substance in the bud... but then again it's just atheory my friends came up with a long time ago. You'd have to be buying from a dealer in the biggest shithole on Earth for something like that to happen.


Staff member
...very unlikely.
the "laced" weed theory has been around forever yet no ones ever actually proved it.
unless they did it to their own weed, to smoke for themselves no dealer is going to be lacing weed just to get you hooked to come back.
its pot, youll come back and not because of an addiction because people like smoking pot