Name 5 Seed strains on your Wishlist

on the contrary I grew a single Next Gen Romulan Diesel lady and it was a great plant. knockout smoke is right.

I only got one lady from the pack though due to males and I broke a couple tails when planting the germs. Last time I ever paper towelled.
Yeah, I can't speak on that. I have only grown their Romulan and it wasnt good.
Feb 6 - Close to Harvest ... (1).JPG I have two good strain from Bagseed...
I've grown both indoors and outdoors.
These ladies adapt very well...
I don't know the strain... But I named them just to keep records
of What's what...

Does this strain look familiar...
Growing inside and out... The same plant grows different...Kool

Feb 6 - Close to Harvest ... (3).JPG
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Somebody out there has it. It's not gone but the people who do have it are not about the way the culture and community is now. They know if they let the real deal out your gonna have all these new folks on the block trying to get it and capitalize on it. I'm sure held tightly and passed through a circle with many stipulations. My dad always talks about Skunk and Black Ganja. Not too many people have heard about Black Ganja I ask around all the time but he says it was so potent super psychedelic high and makes you eyelids swell. Don't know if I could smoke that lol but I surely would try to :)
There was strain about 25 years ago called African Black Ganja....dude too many hits and it had you zooming...first time I smoked it , literally scared me I was soooo freaking high...haven't had or heard of it since was so compressed a quarter bag looked the size of a dime bag . Old school genes have been almost bred out of cannabis it seems .