Name a country that's better than America

padaraper is not writing a move or critiquing a book when he lashes out like a child and calls people "f****ots" here.

but not surprising you'd defend him.

Of course you finally say something but it is about something I was not there for. I was only talking about the post I commented on.

All the other times you mis direct to amuse yourself too.

I am not taking sides no matter how many times you ask.
...but when it comes to things like national disasters, it's nice to see something that lets each of us know there is still a very real connection between all of us, despite our imaginary borders and boundaries;
No. Red states never want to help out blue states with disasters, they vote for retards like Jeff Sessions, Roy Moore and Ted Cruz. FUCK THE RED STATES!!! Let them burn, shake (from fracking) and drown. Better off without 'em.

Let the south burn like we did with Koresh in Waco.

No. Red states never want to help out blue states with disasters, they vote for retards like Jeff Sessions, Roy Moore and Ted Cruz. FUCK THE RED STATES!!! Let them burn, shake (from fracking) and drown. Better off without 'em.

Let the south burn like we did with Koresh in Waco.

It's those sort of statements that gets people on the NSA shitlist, just saying.
I was being pretty aggressive. This is the politics forum after all! I try not to show any signs of weakness in here. People smell that shit.

Tweetler? You may have missed his genius. I've been trying to figure out how he does what he does. His burns are like abstract art and they're weird as fuck! I LMAO every time! I'm not sure if he's generating those or what but his posts are like performance art for me. That cat has another side too and it's a completely rational one! LOL! This place is hilarious! I love it!
I love Tweetler.