Name a country that's better than America

ask any foreigner these days of 911,

its always the same

'How did that 3rd steel and concrete skyscraper fall again...?'

then theirs the missile bits lying around the pentagon..?

shame that bush govt.

Really? Huh, didn't realize foreigners were so obsessed with 9-11.

Two likes from conspiracy nuts, I guess they must be foreigners?
ask any foreigner these days of 911,

its always the same

'How did that 3rd steel and concrete skyscraper fall again...?'

then theirs the missile bits lying around the pentagon..?

shame that bush govt.
So, it's true then. You don't have to live in the US to be prone to false conspiracy theories.

Actually Nazis proved that not too long ago. Also @MarWan . No matter, thanks for updating the list of countries where false conspiracy theories thrive.
You're mistaking what he's saying. He's pointing out that most people outside of America accept the conspiracy theories about 9/11 as truth.

The level of intricate understanding it would take for the average European to confidently argue 9-11 conspiracy equates to an obsession. How many Americans do you think could articulate a conspiracy in any Country outside the US?

I would say most Europeans aren't that arrogant, or at least I hope so. Overall, I doubt most are concerned enough to assert conspiracy in a serious way.
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Not "most", "any" which is closer to "all."

The level of intricate understanding it would take for the average European to confidently argue 9-11 conspiracy equates to an obsession. How many Americans do you think could articulate a conspiracy in any Country outside the US?

I would say most Europeans aren't that arrogant, or at least I hope so. Overall, I doubt most are concerned enough to assert conspiracy in a serious way.
I heard of a false conspiracy theory about British government offing Lady Di. MarWan has a whole shopping list of them too.
Really? Huh, didn't realize foreigners were so obsessed with 9-11.Two likes from conspiracy nuts, I guess they must be foreigners?

Foreigner ...yes! Obsessed!

so any any sneaky fuckups by the worlds largest democracy is refereed to as a conspiracy..?

then no wonder the cia etc can't close its doors or keep simple shit secret

shame 911 is now nothing but a secret conspiracy, and excuse to invade yet another 3rd world shithole
Americans would rather believe conspiracy theories than the truth.

It might be because the truth is too painful.

It might be because we've been dumbed down by the aggressive destruction of our education sys
The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ☛ Newsweek: “A Cult of Ignorance” by Isaac Asimov, January 21, 1980, p. 19.

I just used this same quote in two different threads totally unrelated to one another. There's no way that's a coincidence.
Asimov and Mencken pretty much covered the worthlessness of the DSA, and Barnum had something to say about it, too. The fact is, right-wingers are retarded by default. Not challenged, not disabled, RETARDED!!!

That's right, RETARDED!!!

Naah, your name is Dum Dum. Anyone as dumb as you gets their name changed to Dum Dum. You qualified. That's what I'm calling you from now on. Maybe it'll catch on and you'll get really butthurt.

Also, fucking learn to spell. You write like someone with Hydrocephallus.
To be fair, it was @Unclebaldrick who first suggested it based on a post dumb dumb made seeming to refer to himself as dumb dumb. I agree though it is fitting.

Are you aware of the post where he claims to have been "forced to murder a black lad just because he's white" or something to that astonishingly absurd effect?
Foreigner ...yes! Obsessed!

so any any sneaky fuckups by the worlds largest democracy is refereed to as a conspiracy..?

then no wonder the cia etc can't close its doors or keep simple shit secret

shame 911 is now nothing but a secret conspiracy, and excuse to invade yet another 3rd world shithole

Why resort to conspiracy when the truth will do to make the same point? The absurdity of the conspiracy theorists is that they are so sure of a particular theory. That's not very scientific to begin with. They already have the conclusion and it starts with their desire to be better than everyone else, like everyone is just stupid. It's cynical, arrogant, and egocentric. Above all, it doesn't produce truth. For instance, we had no problem invading any country that would give us a geopolitical advantage before 9-11. 9-11 was more the consequence of our geopolitical strategy than the excuse for it. It was politicized, but then and now terrorism hasn't been enough of an excuse, Iraq was invaded on a claim of WMDs.

The conspiracies around 9-11 are largely debunked. Could it still have been an inside job of sorts? It's possible. Did Bush Jr. do it? Very unlikely. I highly doubt any large number of Europeans are stupid enough to fall for 9-11 conspiracy.
That's how the world see you americans.

"America Fuck Yeah!" is the mantra of the right wing here. That opinion of us really took an uptick during Bush with the destabilization of the Middle East. It hasn't recovered much, especially now with Trump, and Obama only helped slightly as any real challenge to "America Fuck Yeah!" was greatly hindered by the political and economic power of the right, and even moreso hindered by the intended and unintended consequences and obligations the right keeps sticking America with. The entire world suffers and the American people as a whole take blame.
My poop story comes from my first job out of college, working for a group of radio stations in Eastern Kentucky. It will shock you that the owner of such an establishment happened to be a racist, old bastard who looked like Uncle Buck and was a cheapskate to the fullest extent of the word.

I was working the board and hosting a weekend afternoon shift while my co-workers were doing a remote broadcast. It was during one of their live segments where my stomach started to rumble. As soon as their segment ends, I bolt to the gas station-esque bathroom and unleash hell. That's when I came to the sudden realization that there was no toilet paper. The owner was too cheap to buy any for the employees and if you brought in your own, he'd steal it and take it home with him.

That leaves me waddling around the station looking for anything that can finish the job. That's when I notice an unmarked canister sitting by one of the station control boards. I thought it was my lucky day, baby wipes were often used to clean the radio equipment. I grab the canister and race back to the bathroom. Only they weren't baby wipes, they were Clorox bleach wipes and the label had fallen off, I had inadvertently bleached my own ass and the feeling that came with it I don't wish on many people. Fuck that man for stealing all our toilet paper. He's dead now.

Cool story.