Name for a tortoise???


Well-Known Member
How about Patches, or Brutis, Rocky,or how about Speed I use to have 15 eastern box turtles and 2 orinate box turtles. I built a 6 x 12 cage and filled it with about 120lbs of dirt, rocks, and made about a 5 g pond at 1 end with concrete! They loved it, but after my divorce I let em all go...:( Btw, if you are wondering where I got 15 turtles...I found them all when I was taking care of my plants(National Forrest style)hehe


New Member
hmmm. i like turbo, but boston george is a contender too. that a name you just picked out of the sky or is it a real person???
No way man is it just me ? Boston george was only the one and only Mr Johnny depp in the film BLOW.
Come on is it the name ???


Well-Known Member
oh i thought you made that up. sorry its gone. Turbo;s coming number 1 now. either that or irvine the tortoise. any more? looking for originality.