Name My Auto Growing System

This isn't the first project like this. Someone kick started at least one project like this... But this one is open source right? That would be better than a commercial closed source system. Like you could still sell DIY kits, provide prebuilt units but provide all the info on how to build with the software for free, that's the intent right?

Automatic gardening is something that so many people are interested inside and outside the MJ community, having a good open source community for a project like this is such a good idea.

There are like garden arduino/pi projects too, is that what this is? If you launch a open source project I'll definitely be a contributor somehow, even if it's just as a user.

I still think you should search out everyone that's already doing anything related to this like that HydroBuddy thing and see if they want to consolidate heir stuff all down into branches of one big open source project for tech assisted gardening
You are right on PicklesRus. I am still working out some of the details on that but the idea is; ready to go out of the box, automated garden with a little configuration that all growers have seen before and maybe pushing a button or 2 to sync a few of the components. BUT, for you DIYers out there who want to take it a step further, you can take it all apart and add components or make your own arduinos and sensors. If you are a total nerd. You can buy everything in a kit and do it all yourself.

I suppose at some point someone could even build a robotic grower that wireless plugs into my system. Like a robotic tank track with an arm and a watering can and atomizer fogger built in. Maybe even a security bot that patrols the outside border of your property on a schedule then returns to charge. The world is yours and the options are endless. Well, up to about 100 arduinos any way.

Yep I have found those projects too, the fact that those 2 project have stalled is a daunting reminder that this could fail but the excitement is promising. My guess is they stalled because of no/bad business model.

I contacted the growbuddy app team, they are excited about my project and I look forward to working with them in the future. Since this is an open source project does anyone know of an open source growbuddy or one that has an api I can access or an export feature with one hell of a following?
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I've been considering a product like this for awhile, I just assumed they already existed. Black Box would be cool, and the pH adjustment system certainly seems possible. How is it made? Where are the sensors from?
However it's made, it should be really simple and useful. And hopefully not too expensive

Thats kind of the whole point inexpensive growbot that smarter people then I can build upon.

This system looks awesome. If it worked this way it would be nice

Just at quick glance, mine is Wireless with a range up to 16 miles outdoors as oppose to ~100ft with a cord and a repeater. I may add an Ethernet port for comms and power just for testing the protype and they have no cloud. My interface is online, through an app or the very powerful BlackBox+ which has a tricked out touch screen display. My whole setup is waterproof and solar powered so you can use it outdoors. I'm sure there is more, otherwise same idea, yep.
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I've been considering a product like this for awhile, I just assumed they already existed. Black Box would be cool, and the pH adjustment system certainly seems possible. How is it made? Where are the sensors from?

Follow this thread I will post info on the website when its up. If you have any ideas post em,
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