'Name One Thing The Republicans Are For?'

Every time I see a post that is written as a list, I always read the first letter from top to bottom looking for a hidden meaning.

Not shit
Opinions presented as fact
They have no ideas anymore
Not contributing but taking credit
Going backwards

....its early, should have picked a better vertical word.

Nothing is right though, they stopped having ideas or principles. I didn't agree with them, but they used to want to do stuff and had reasons/explanations that were rational and made sense. Now it's just made up crap and fascism.

I can't take anyone seriously that voted trump twice, not after they saw the first 4 years. Makes me question their morals and character.
Freedom and the constitution.

Gun rights
smaller government
less taxes
less welfare
legal immigration
pay your own way in life
America first

This is not how you guys come across. Republicans expand government. Republican states are net takers, blue states support you, you don't pay your own way.

America first doesn't mean anything, the dude that pushed the idea has his stuff manufactured in China so gtfo with that claim.

Oh...and you guys keep expanding the government and domestic spying. Fuck off with that bullshit.