'Name One Thing The Republicans Are For?'

The number one thing todays Republicans are for…TRUMPian
No principles or policies
Just Trump Trump Trump
God forgive them for their downfall
The number one thing todays Republicans are for…TRUMPian
No principles or policies
Just Trump Trump Trump
God forgive them for their downfall
I'm not sure, but I think the tides may be changing on that in 2022. Trump is about to be dumped out the back door. If Republicans were smart, they'd find a young good looking traditional conservative who is able to focus on something other than racist rhetoric.
A lot of them are smart, many of which are quite stupid at the same time. Same with Dems. It's all a matter of perspective. Empathy goes a long way in understanding the other side.
I don’t know about that
So many of these Ivy League types are vowing loyalty to the lowest form of life on the planet
I see no intelligence
I'm not sure, but I think the tides may be changing on that in 2022. Trump is about to be dumped out the back door. If Republicans were smart, they'd find a young good looking traditional conservative who is able to focus on something other than racist rhetoric.

That seems to be too boring for them these days. Once you fall in love with springer, it's tough to go back to donahue.
I don’t know about that
So many of these Ivy League types are vowing loyalty to the lowest form of life on the planet
I see no intelligence
I'm not surprised that you have that perspective. You seem to be a closed minded individual, who prefers polarization. To each their own.

That seems to be too boring for them these days. Once you fall in love with springer, it's tough to go back to donahue.
Once you get a taste of a win, it's hard to go back to losing. Regardless of what @Herb & Suds may thing of their intelligence, I think they are smart enough to know by now that Trump in 2024 is a losing path. They want to WIN not LOSE. Biden is handing the election to the GOP in 2024 now, so all the Republicans really have to do if find a candidate who doesn't offend anyone, which is reality may be the toughest part of that strategy.
Once you get a taste of a win, it's hard to go back to losing. Regardless of what @Herb & Suds may thing of their intelligence, I think they are smart enough to know by now that Trump in 2024 is a losing path. They want to WIN not LOSE. Biden is handing the election to the GOP in 2024 now, so all the Republicans really have to do if find a candidate who doesn't offend anyone, which is reality may be the toughest part of that strategy.

I actually completely agree with this, but I'm curious to see what you think of why trump is a loser in 2024. From what I've seen and speaking specifically to republicans in congress, there seem to be three main camps. The first are the older style republicans that disliked trump from start to finish, I'd guess that's 60% maybe? Then there are those that genuinely liked him, maybe 30%? Then there are the remaining 10%, the fully insane ones where they dislike trump because he let them down by not being crazy enough.
Exactly……nobody knows what’s in it. There is enough money to give each household in America a million dollars, so where is it all going and who can see the bill? Nobody

google is your friend..you know what's in it.

you know the folks in WV got a taste..we gave it to them- for six months..think they're hooked yet? $300/per child monthly:lol:
The number one thing todays Republicans are for…TRUMPian
No principles or policies
Just Trump Trump Trump
God forgive them for their downfall


no forgiveness; they made a choice..Adults are responsible for themselves and the choices they make.

also, you do not owe anyone a relationship nor they you- including your adult children.
'i heard'
Yeah but his figures imply $123 trillion available, so I’m fascinated by where he found these numbers. Clearly social media isn’t the source, since even folks prone to forget the correct order of “breathe in” and “breathe out” know that to be unreliable.
So I remain curious.