Name the deficiency?


Alright guys I went to dinner last night and came back to my Afghan Kush plant looking a bit hurt. She's been getting tap water around 6.8 for about 3 waterings so I thought she might be hungry so I gave her half strength feed last night but she's looking the same. What deficiency is this? And I should also mention my grow ten hovers between 85-73, a bit on the high side but she doesn't sit in the flower room for more than 8 hours a day.



Well-Known Member
I see hydronton, but your talking about watering... What kind of setup is this?

What are you "feeding" it?


Active Member
if youre growing in soil you shouldnt really worry about ph-ing your water. Check the ph of the runoff water, might be to acidic if youre watering with 6.8


Well-Known Member
I use hydroton as a mulch as well. Allows for better airflow than your typical mulches and roots go nuts under it with organic soil. The microbes love it.


Sorry I've been playing Project M, it's probably light bleaching then, hps might be a bit too much for it right now, or maybe it's the temps with it. Anyways I'm growing in coco coir and perlite, and the hydroton is on top to get keep the 'soil' moist and get roots to fill more of the top layer of the pot.