well, here's the thing..i don't want to work full-time anymore..maybe adjunct professor college level (obviously)..i want to go to school for the next 10 years..then i want to work for non-profit part-time for 10 years so my student loans can be forgiven.you having the urge to masturbate is not exactly an area of study I'm familiar with in the academy. just interested in your path and thought i might be able to offer you some insight since I already posses my MA and am working on a PhD; didn't mean any offense by that. teaching can be a stressful gig if you let it, and be forewarned that, below the university level, it is very easy to lose passion for your subject matter. Inattentive or apathetic students, crushing administrative demands, and disgruntled colleagues are all forces that can make your area, that subject matter you loved so dearly that you wanted to share and impart to others your understanding thereof, a burdensome, repetitive, tiresome load. If you're not doing student teaching now, you might want to start, just to get a taste, and to get some confidence for when you take over a classroom by yourself. That way you'll have gotten beyond all of the typical rookie errors with a mentor along to help correct those errors, rather than making the mistakes on your first time out and feeling bad about it.
Now, since you are clearly uninterested in any of this advice I'll pop off.
be easy
i well understand the dynamics of a school non-profits in general..and all that you had mentioned..there is nothing you can do without regulation, shithead kids and faculty..i see the dynamics everyday and speak with professors regarding same..trouble is, unless you are in YOUR OWN BUSINESS, you are always accountable to someone else.