Name the problem here


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yup mites can cause something like this look but you get the tiny brown dots as they eat from under your leaves. Then you see them and will eventually see webbing. They start at the top and move up. When you bomb its a 3 stage process as they have a 3 day cycle. You bomb on day 1 they freak out and layt eggs and the fogger kills the parents. 3 days later fog again as the babies just hatched. Now you got the babies for the most part. Wait 3 days and hit it one last time to clean up any left overs who survived. Then after that I hit with spray miteacide like safre or a neem oil product like einstiens.


Well-Known Member
whos got mites? this is what i did,, even though i only had a few plants at the time,, and they were in 12/12

got me a gud few lady birds
flung them on the plants,
and the mites and ladybirds some how all dissapeared over the space ov 4days ,, strange but true ,,,lol

i know ladybirds eat mites but where did the lady birds go???????????

probly got sucked up the exhaust after being mashed by a fan, either way ladybirds saved the bud


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Lady birds? Must be same as ladyBugs in the US. They will eat a few mites but arent the best and do not eat enough or the egg sacks to do the job usually. I was referenceing the poster above said they had mites that made similar damage. If you want to go biological war fare then predator mites and Mite destroyers are the best. Toss a few preying mantis eggs in but has to be done early and is best for prvention.


Active Member
Hey does anyone konw how big a plant has to be to swich from soil to hydrton?
I've got a couple tiny little girls in soil that I want to put in my hydro room.

Thanks for any help.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok just wanted to get a few updates to show that those plants recovered nicely and went into a bigger home to flower and are coming to an end. They are ready but I gave a last new dosage of some resin builders and fatteners to bulkk them up so about a week then 3 days flush..

