Name your Bud: Best Theme Strain Names!

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Hey I thought it would be a great idea to have a little challenge to come up with the best original strain names for your bud centered around a theme.

Rules are minimum of 3 names- for one theme
Judging done by the RIU posters on the forum-

Any takers?

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Mine would be star wars themed with:
OB cron Kenobi-
Skytoker haze
and Yoda's Saber

Idk, that leaves lots of room for improvement.



Well-Known Member
Great Plains Brain Twister(strain I'm working on right now. feels like your spinning in a twister when you take a huge rip atm)

bout all I got right now, let me get stoned and think of some new ones lol

I base all my strain names off weather.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
ok- I didnt realize this would be such a hard contest... lol and with no prize and few takers its looking kind of lame. I thought us stoners were supposed to be clever. Throw some more ideas out there ppl, this has potential- or am i wrong- feel free to just bash on my idea as well-


Well-Known Member
theme: spongebob
strain 1: splifssworth haze (grows just like squidword with a big head and a giant cola nose :) )

strain 2: crust crab bud (nice stoner burger topped with leaves as salad and a sprinckle of bud)

strain 3:sponge bong hemp haze (produces a lot of resin on the leaves

p,s heres a lil tip when you have croped your plants run a knife down the middle of your stems not in half just a line down the middle then leave it for a day or 2 and it fills with resin and you can scrape it all out.... good luck growers :)

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
"p,s heres a lil tip when you have croped your plants run a knife down the middle of your stems not in half just a line down the middle then leave it for a day or 2 and it fills with resin and you can scrape it all out.... good luck growers :smile:"

is that resin that would have otherwise gone to the plants tho? in which case i would prefer it go to my plants.