

Well-Known Member

The flow cell battery’s greatest advantage lies in its range: It can drive a vehicle 20-times further than a conventional lead-acid battery and 5-times further than the lithium-ion technology that powers most of today’s electric cars. Flow cell batteries are also durable. Furthermore, recharging them does not take hours and hours. All that is required to recharge them is to exchange spent electrolytes (which can be recharged outside the vehicle) for new, charged fluid.
If there is anything that can truly bring down the big oil monopoly, it is this.

A rechargeable fluid? No gas stations? No bulk transport expense? No refinery fires? NO AIR POLLUTION. No $15,000 batteries to replace.

What a wonderful world it would be!

Not quite as green, but yet another alternative..IDK why they don't mount a small pancake compressor in the car rather than refilling tanks..

The second law of thermodynamics says that the only advantage you can get is NOT carrying a compressor.
And they don't list the Pressure/Volume you need, right? How do you power your compressor? Compressed Air? :)

From your article:

Compressed air isn't really dense enough to provide much energy storage, making it difficult to adapt for use in even a very small, very light-weight car.

Swiss Catecar Gives Up On Compressed-Air Car, Goes Electric
Small gas powered compressor, just to supplement the on board storage tanks to extend the range while still being way more fuel efficient, same principal could be applied to elec cars with a gas powered gen? I don't fully understand the themo laws, but i kinda get where your going, energy in< energy out? Ever hear about the GEET reactor ? I'm going to try to build one this summer..but I'm skeptical. Something like that, powering a small compressor might, MIGHT, be worth it. I got a buddy who's doing research into an electric car Tesla supposedly built that pulled power from the atmosphere. Your right though, we need to get off petroleum..
Small gas powered compressor, just to supplement the on board storage tanks to extend the range while still being way more fuel efficient, same principal could be applied to elec cars with a gas powered gen? I don't fully understand the themo laws, but i kinda get where your going, energy in< energy out? Ever hear about the GEET reactor ? I'm going to try to build one this summer..but I'm skeptical. Something like that, powering a small compressor might, MIGHT, be worth it. I got a buddy who's doing research into an electric car Tesla supposedly built that pulled power from the atmosphere. Your right though, we need to get off petroleum..

Well, what it means is two things. You cannot get something for nothing. And the energy in has to balance energy out since it all starts and ends with heat, ie watts of work.

So, I get it. A hybrid. Air compressors are loud and hot. So, there is heavy also for shielding and ventilation.

I saw a thing about them recently, about a guy that had a nice little air car. Puttt Puttt....sounded cool. Great range. Then they got into the details.

OH! He had custom high pressure tanks, made out of kevlar. And his rig, at home produced,.....Liquid Air, at cryogenic temperatures and thousands of pounds of pressure. It consumed liquid Nitrogen to produce Liquid Air.

The problem with air is, at best, is is a weak power source.