Napa23's 2nd go at auto Blue Mystic


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, this is my 2nd auto B.M. grow. The first try got to 15 days and started showing sex...turned out to be male so I chopped it. Here's what it looked like.
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Now for this grow. I'm trying to stress this plant out the least amount possible. My last grow I was very impatient and I think I stressed it out and caused it to go hermie. These are supposed to be femmed seeds.

Germination: Put into shot glass until seed cracked, then put into peat pellet. Took 3 days to pop up. Born 7/18/2010
Soil: Peat pellet/Sunshine Mix organic soil
Water: Bottled spring water for seedling/tap through Brita filter once bigger
Nutrients: Soil Tab from Nirvana/Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom if needed
Lighting: 2 26W 6500K CFLs for now/1 105W 2700K CFL for flower. The lighting will probably change as needed. I will add more and change spectrum ratio if I think it's needed. Lighting schedule is 20/4
Climate: Temperature hovers around 74-84. Room humidity around 45-55
Container: Peat pellet for seedling, 5 gal smart pot for transplant.

Ok, so I think that's all the background info for now. Any questions or comments please feel free to post. Here's the setup and the lil baby at 2 days old. The first set of true leaves is starting to get bigger, things seem to be running smoothly...only 2 days, I know.
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I have a question. This is my first time using peat pellets. How long should it take to see roots and transplant?


Active Member
alright man im likin your set up its sweet :) an shes lookin good 4 2 days unfortunately i cant help you with your question :) im hopin she does turn out to be a lady this time keep her nice an chilled out man :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
A little change. I now have 1 26W 2700K and 1 26W 6500K. I'll probably end up putting a 32W 2700K in the 26W's place tomoro. Too lazy to raise and lower the lights again :joint:. This one had better be a female or Nirvana won't be getting my business again. Attitude will have it.


Well-Known Member
Ok so, just a little update on day 4. I saw a root beginning to pop out of the peat pellet. It blew right through the mesh so here's my advice to anyone using these. Do not remove the mesh, it does not interfere with root growth. Whoever tells you that is bs-ing. So i transplanted into some moist soil in my 5 gallon smart pot. I also threw in a Soil Tab from Nirvana, so i'm expecting a good growth spurt soon. I can see the second set of leaves coming in and the first set are growing very nicely. I'll post pics probably Sunday for a week's worth of growth. Of course if anyone cares to see what it looks like now, i can snap a few shots. I'm really expecting this grow to go well. I just need it to be female! Alright guys, any questions or comments?


Active Member
cool cool man soundin good does that method work well? looks pretty stress free for the plant :) i suppose i can wait til sunday for a pic lol :) you should think positively IT WILL BE A FEMALE :bigjoint: good luck with the grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Yeah the peat pellets are great. She kept right on growing. The second set of leaves are coming in nicely.
i strongly suggest if it turns out to be a female this time keep a mother so u can keep cloning off it i gre from seed 2 yrs ago its a long drawn out process and a lot of hassle with sexing them and sometimes u go even further to find out you got shemales good luck with your grow :)


Well-Known Member
blue mystic is one of my favorite ill be here watching this
So it's a good strain then huh?

i strongly suggest if it turns out to be a female this time keep a mother so u can keep cloning off it i gre from seed 2 yrs ago its a long drawn out process and a lot of hassle with sexing them and sometimes u go even further to find out you got shemales good luck with your grow :)
Thanks man, this is an autoflower though. So no clones for me. That's crazy that you've kept it going for 2 years though. I might buy a regular photoperiod strain when i'm a bit more experienced.

I'm actually not at my apartment for the weekend so I have no idea how my baby is doing. It's a little nerve-racking, but 2 days isn't THAT long i guess :-?. Thanks for the support everyone. keep it blazin :joint:


Well-Known Member
Ok so I came home this morning to some really good growth. But the soil was also pretty dry, a little too dry I think. I just watered so I'll have to monitor her to see if it effected her. I'll post pics later today.


Well-Known Member
OK, a little update. The plant doesn't seem to have grown since I got back. I think the conditions while i was gone were too much for it. I had to leave my closet closed so that light wouldn't leak in during the dark period, so the temps got around 88. The soil also got really dry. I ordered some seeds from Attitude, i plan to start the 60 Day Wonder grow on the 16th of August. I will keep the blue mystic alive and see if it grows any by then. If not, I will chuck it and use the smart pot for the 60 Day Wonder. After the 16th is school, so I won't be traveling for a couple months so i can give it the attention it needs. Also when I got back I found my automatic watering system in the mail, i should have gotten one sooner :-?. Anyway those are my plans. Now I'll share with you guys what i'm hitting right now before i go to class. My little bong, "Inferno" with the vaporstar :hump:.
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Well-Known Member
Yes and no haha. The top got fried from no water and stopped growing. So I topped it basically. The side shoots are coming in so I may decide to just keep it and see what happens. I'm going to start a new plant when I get back on the 16th. It will be Cobra from Flash seeds. Gonna do the 3 gallon bucket with ocean forest mixed with sunshine mix.


Active Member
yer you may as well keep her see wot happens anythin is better than nothin :) you startin a new thread for your new plant?