narcissist relationship

Me and a buddy have a continuing conversation about "cut off" dates in history. If and where to place blame today for past injustices and the accompanying remediation issues, cultural changes and acceptance throughout history, stuff like that. 100 years? 250? 500? 2000? When do historical statute of limitations kick in?
everyone is guilty for their own crimes...just lay the credit for inventing the concept where it belongs...usually lost in the distance of history
Attrition on slave ships was as high as 1 in 3, so that valuation of which you speak was quite low in the acquisition and transport phase.
I didn't say they were highly valued, but they were treated as a profitable commodity vs a nuisance population.
So maybe you need a lesson in american history...white man chains black man ,whips black man, segregated black man, those people were racist pieces of shit, so your god damn right it bothers me and for those who it doesn't bother it puts them in the same light [full of hate]...I will not be categorized with that group of people...Now can you direct me to the adult section?
LOL, gotcha derailing your own thread. This therad is concerns your pitiful social relations with women, racism is the other one over there.
LOL, gotcha derailing your own thread. This therad is concerns your pitiful social relations with women, racism is the other one over there.
Our hero has embarked on a program to go forth and get some of that wild pussy out there. Considering the hazards, it's a positive thing from every perspective.

Me and a buddy have a continuing conversation about "cut off" dates in history. If and where to place blame today for past injustices and the accompanying remediation issues, cultural changes and acceptance throughout history, stuff like that. 100 years? 250? 500? 2000? When do historical statute of limitations kick in?
Cardozo in Palsgraf vs Long Island RR, wrote about this subject, proximate cause. The dissenting opinion, by Andrews, is interesting as well.
Just did some quick reading on that, interesting. My cynicism makes me think the RR had undue influence on that final court.
That's why there's always room for argument. The concept is great it's the details that need to be looked at in each instance. Which makes us safe from our robot overloads for the nonce.