So, I could be lazy, and link to my photobucket, but I think you deserve to get more then a cheap copout like that. There's been a lot going on in the last few weeks, loots of flushing trimming and chopping. It takes a lot of time, and I just haven't taken the time to keep in touch here. I haven't let the photo's go, though. Still taking them!
Anyway, I figure I'll just flood my thread with update posts, a few at a time, to tell the story of the last few weeks.
Here's a few of Brainy, pre-trim & chop
after a haircut
trim complete! time to hang!
MTF, pre-tim & chop
Here's a shot of those leaves. It's hard to get the full scope of her leaf colors sometimes
After the haircut
Trimmed and ready to hang
MTF towards the front, BE in the back
Here's a shot of our jar of BE
a nice close-up
After sitting in the jars for a few days, BE is about ready to seal up, and weighs out to about 40 grams. The jar of MTF is rather disappointing, only 22 grams. I think that's about what we got last time, too. Time to evaluate her status in our garden. Either that, or try to grow her out differently. I still have a few in veg, so I might have to play with them.
More tomorrow, maybe the next day. Stay tuned. More to come