NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

It was the year 2012 that I saw that translucent being, but I wasn't looking in the mirror at Myself: I was looking out of a window to My neighbors roof.

Pretty much, since the year 2008, I have been going to a mental hospital at least once per year. The first few times I went to a mental hospital, it was because I was telling My family (a lot) that I am "Jesus", and they got sick of hearing it, and sent Me to a mental hospital to help with My delusion, or whatever.

But, the last few times I went to the mental hospital, it was because I wanted to take a vacation, and no one forced Me to go. All you have to do is say that you are "suicidal", and you can take a vacation for a few weeks.

I am not sure if I am going to take a vacation to the mental hospital this winter, but I might. The mental hospital isn't that bad: you get good food 3 times a day, plus snack time in between meals: there are usually good people to converse with: you can sleep all morning, and take as many naps as you want: the staff basically wait on you all day long, and they are usually cool too: its like a vacation to Me.

I have had sex a few times at the mental hospital, and I got blow jobs at a mental hospital: not to mention that I fingered a girl, and felt up another girl. Its not that bad.

I always make a lot of cool friends when I go to the mental hospital, and some of the food is great.

Love is in the air in the mental institutions. Same With drug detox and rehab facilities. If its co-ed its hilarious all the fuckin and suckin between patients. Staff members also.
Love is in the air in the mental institutions. Same With drug detox and rehab facilities. If its co-ed its hilarious all the fuckin and suckin between patients. Staff members also.
I just got of detox, everybody, including myself just slept the whole time. But yes sex is prevalent in rehabs because it's natures best high! I wouldn't know about mental institutions, but I do know people with mental health issues are usually, generally horney, fucked off people.
You take away there drugs and all
I just got of detox, everybody, including myself just slept the whole time. But yes sex is prevalent in rehabs because it's natures best high! I wouldn't know about mental institutions, but I do know people with mental health issues are usually, generally horney, fucked off people.
I hate to admit it but ive done a few rounds of rehab myself. I kicked heroin and relapsed a few times from the time i was sixteen to about a couple four years Ago. Im thirty now and realized that all i need is my MMJ. I couldnt tell you about mental hospitals. But yea you take an addicts drugs away and they start fucking like bunnies. Is because when your on drugs you don't care about anything but the drugs. Them when you get off your emotions and feelings start coming back. And you stick a bunch of crazy druglesss addicts together its gonna happen every time. I would imagine a mental hospital is kind of the same environment
You take away there drugs and all

I hate to admit it but ive done a few rounds of rehab myself. I kicked heroin and relapsed a few times from the time i was sixteen to about a couple four years Ago. Im thirty now and realized that all i need is my MMJ. I couldnt tell you about mental hospitals. But yea you take an addicts drugs away and they start fucking like bunnies. Is because when your on drugs you don't care about anything but the drugs. Them when you get off your emotions and feelings start coming back. And you stick a bunch of crazy druglesss addicts together its gonna happen every time. I would imagine a mental hospital is kind of the same environment
You shouldn't "hate to admit it" I am proud that I kicked my alcohol addiction. I feel that I veni vidi vici my addiction.. When I was younger "now 30 too" I was in and out of rehabs and half way houses too. Mainly for meth, which I have now been clean from for over 8 years. Now I got quit smoking cigs and I will have overcome all my addicfions. I am proud of you, I dated a herion addict, it's probably one of the most fucked up addictions there is. Thank god, I don't like opiates all that much..
I believe in aliens, but why would one run across your neighbors roof? And I thought Haladol was banned, that stuff is hardcore. And lastly smashing chics with down syndrome might be rape, but IDK? Lol...... just kidding

That being that I saw was laying down on My neighbors roof, I didn't see that being "run" anywhere.

And the girl that I had sex with was not a "downs syndrom", she was very intelligent, and she actually taught Me a few words that I never heard before. And the girls I got the blow jobs from were normal enough too.
